View Full Version : Parsons Chams in Canada!! wooohoooo

07-08-05, 07:56 PM
I just laid eyes on real live, in-the-flesh CB Parsons Chams today! :) :) When I saw them, I couldn't believe I was seeing correctly, but they're Parsons. All I've ever seen is pictures of them, never thought I'd see even one real live one, let alone a whole group.

Oh if only I had a ton of money to buy a pair. or several. .... *sssssssssiiigh*

07-08-05, 08:35 PM
Where did you see such things in total shock who is this person who is holding out on us!

there soo amazing i have seen Chris andersons parsons when i visited last fall there soo amazing to see you just sit there in aww of them. They are like the old wise men of the chameleon world.

I wasent aware of any parsons that entered canada the parson world is small im in shock.

07-08-05, 08:52 PM

How many do they have and what sex? what is their asking price?


07-08-05, 09:32 PM
I have no clue what sexes, I was too stunned to see them to even think of asking. I can't even remember how many there were, even though I asked, my brain was reeling :) I think there are at least 7, maybe a couple more, with CITES permits.

Check the website at Parsons Chameleons (http://www.globalexoticpets.com/Stock_pages/Parsons_Chameleons.htm)

I've always admired them in the pictures, but they're so beautiful in real life. Even though they're young, they're awesome. It's like I'd found the Holy Grail of Chameleon Keeping.

07-09-05, 10:42 AM
wow those are some amazing chameleons. WOw what a price on them.

We finally get some in canada and chris comes along and takes most of them back to the states with him. lol

I dont blame ya amazing looking chameleons


07-09-05, 06:51 PM
HOLY COW!!!! That company tries to being in some intresting stuff. They had Sambava at one point, bright yellow really nice


07-18-05, 02:36 PM
I went and saw them on sunday what amazing chams, they were small still prolly only 6 months old. I wish i had the funds and space to keep them. I hope they go to good homes. There skin is soo different from a normal cham its like supa soft leather, Its hard to imagin that they get soo big when you see them lol, they look old even as juvies lol. too cute

07-18-05, 02:50 PM
When I was there Friday, I asked what the breakdown is, seems there are 10 of them. Supposedly 4.6, possibly 3.7.

07-18-05, 03:08 PM
I was told they are pretty much impossible to sex at that age, although some defently have the porsona of one sex. I took some pics while i was there for a freind who is mabey gonna buy some ill post one later for yall.


07-18-05, 05:16 PM
Wow I haven't even spent 4000$ on the 15 herps I have had over the last 6 years, nevermind just ONE!! Those are a bit tooo pricy. However I'm sure whoever buys them will take care of them if they are gonna fork out that much, I sure hope whoever buys them does so in pairs so they can breed them :) And then lower the cost so I can buy some :)



07-18-05, 06:26 PM
Here it is


07-18-05, 06:30 PM
Awwwww..... they're so nice :) Do you have a picture showing you holding one, not just a faceless hand?
I thought of asking to hold one but I was afraid I'd break it and then have to buy it ;) Not that I wouldn't want one, but I can't swing a 2nd mortgage right now. :D

07-18-05, 06:41 PM
think you might need to refresh thre Hilde