View Full Version : Do they really know it all?

07-03-05, 10:51 PM
Well I was just outside thinking about past times and I remembered about when I took a trip to a sort of small animal zoo. Well they held a reptile presentation, and at the end I approached the main reptile keeper to talk. We were talking for abit and he asked if I had anything. I told him I had a 3 1/2 ft. Ball Python. Then he asked what I kept it in, and I told him a 4x2x2 custom made enclosure. His next words to the button where "Nope, too small." I sorta thought for abit then I just went with it....

Has anyone come across something like this. I dont know maybe in HIS opinion it is, but I just follow the rule of half the snakes length....


Don Meyer

07-03-05, 11:19 PM
BP in a 4x2x2 cage is set for life, more than enough size of a cage. Unless he thinks animals deserve bigger areas, in which I then agree. But since we can not give these animals there own wilderness that cage size will be lots of room for a BP even as an adult.

Pet shops are even more funny at "telling" what you need and don' t, but a new employee seeing animals for the first time is an expert too, lol - joking.

07-03-05, 11:23 PM
Yeah I agree. Thats why I said maybe in his opinion. I guess I could definately see where he's coming from. But I've had 4ft snakes thrive in 2ft or more enclosures.

I definately hear you on the whole petstore crap too lol.

Ahhh that reminds me a HILARIOUS story! My "friend" heard I had snakes a few years ago. he came up to me hes like "man my cousin has a snake too, its a ball boa." I was like what? Then he goes, "a ball boa, my friends ball python and boa contrictor had babies!!!!!"

07-04-05, 12:52 AM
Yeah I have heard the ball boa mentioned by a few who think they know what they heard, lol.

07-04-05, 01:42 AM
Im sure zookeepers have different sets of standards on sizes for snake cages. Also, I dissagree with the half the body length rule. I would never keep a 6ft boa in a 3ft cage.(example)


07-04-05, 02:38 AM
Im sure zookeepers have different sets of standards on sizes for snake cages. Also, I dissagree with the half the body length rule. I would never keep a 6ft boa in a 3ft cage.(example)


Thats what I was always told and read.

I had my 8ft Burm in a 4x2x2 and he seemed quite fine. We all have our opinions though.

07-04-05, 07:02 AM
I believe when it comes to adults than bigger is better. Snakes might do well in the sizes that we keep them in but I'm sure if we all had the room our snakes would be more than willing to live in enclosure that give them more than enough room to stretch their scales. :zi: Who wouldn't love to have more room in their homes?

07-04-05, 09:53 PM
I believe when it comes to adults than bigger is better.

absolutely not. Snakes kept in an enclosure that is too large will have a lesser food acceptance rate and a much higher infection rate. Give a snake an entire room, and it will find the spot with the most suitable temperature and it will remain there. You want the enclosure to have a length and width equal to the length of the snake. For example, a six foot snake needs a cage 4 feet by 2 feet. I few exceptions, like pines, do need a LITTLE more room as they are more active then most snakes.

07-05-05, 05:16 AM
I would never give a snake an entire room for that reason (keeping temps and humidity right), but if I had the room I would love to put a six foot snake in a six' by 3' and 2' tall enclosure. There are too many people who have snakes and never take them out of their enclosure for sometype of exercise. More room to have ample space to install more than one hideaway, add shelves and things for the boas to use if they feel vulnerable.

07-05-05, 09:20 AM
I work in a pet shop.......LOL.......:-) However I understand what you are saying.....We sell a wide range of reptiles. Snakes, lizards, so on.....I dont really ever tell someone cage size on the snakes as most of our customers have a good idea. However the lizards on the other hand I must step in with the customers and tell them.....I mean it is just wrong to house a full grown iggy in a ten gallon tank.....LOL......but anyway....I keep my snakes in smaller enclosures...they seem to be just fine. Shed well, eat well.
