View Full Version : handling questions

07-03-05, 06:29 PM
Hello, I purchased a captive bread ball python about a week ago. I baught him on fedding day so i took him home and tried to feed him just in case he still wanted some food. He liked the idea and ate well. Ive since been wanting to handle him but wasnt sure how much a young and fairly new to my home ball could be handled. Thats one Question the other is i have a 2 year old ball python that is a bit of a biter is there any way I can calm him down? I'm open o any method that proves safe for him!

Edmond Y
07-03-05, 07:02 PM
Some snake is quite okay to be handle after they settle to a new place while some are not. I won't suggest to handle them often because they were not born to be like that. handle them once a while when need. Like when you are replacing the bedding or cleaning the cage. My ball like going out and she likes to be handle but the corn snake is not interesting to be touch. But I only handle them when cleaning the cage. For best result you have to observe a while to make sure you don't stress them before you handle. Mean snake can't be fixed. use a snake hook to hold his head before you pick them up. once you have them on hand and and they normally won't turn their head to bite you.

07-03-05, 07:23 PM
As far as some "REPTILE EXPERTS" claim to handle snakes as little as possible, i disagree.
A person has to build a bond of trust with any reptile, so they feel secure.I handle my snakes as much as possible to develope trust.Now older wc animals are a different story, then handling could result in a over amount of stress, which can lead to more serious problems. As for the 2 year old biter, constant, gentle, persistent handling SHOULD calm him down, but he could already be set in his ways.

07-03-05, 07:50 PM
My older one i have had since he was 6months old and usually doesnt ite me bit every now and again will strike tho he misses i dont however get him out much cause im scared it will stress him. LOL he well may be set in his ways but thank u both for your answers