07-02-05, 02:24 AM
So Im trying to decide what I should get for my next herp,I currently got a leopard gecko and bearded dragon. The Beardie has a 40 gallon and use to be in a twenty gallon that i have no use for now. the leo though is alone in a 26 gallon. So Im deciding on what reptile to get next. And on the caresheets ive read,Tokays can live in a 20 gallon tall tank,prefering tall. Now I was thinking of flipping the tank on its side...But!It said the screen lids can damage their feet. Is it true?Cause what else could I use for a lid?Any creative suggestions? Anyways i got a hydrometer cause i accidently bought it as a thermometer for the beardie,i figure i need a red heat light(5$),the lamp (cousin has extra),the subtrate im thinking maybe a mix of peat moss n potting soil(10$ maybe) i can pretty much get for free,the plants and stuff are pretty cheap i got 4 fake ones already ill assume 10$ though. Andfor the Tokay Gecko ive seen em at a pet store here for 30$!Very cheap for around here,he/she looked pretty fat too,all its parts were in tact i think...but what gets me is thatmost may be wild caught :S. There is virtualy like nowhere down here were i could get a fecal done(and if there was a place i could id bet itd cost a fortune)
so there you go a tokay set up n the gecko i can all get for 55$(excluding tax and vet care
So is it a good idea?
I know some of you will try to convince me not to get one/or warn me about them cause there aggressive and bite. Thats part of the reason i want it,plus have you seen some of the pics these guys are in!?Wow! Also i like the idea of it croking or wtv at night.
so there you go a tokay set up n the gecko i can all get for 55$(excluding tax and vet care
So is it a good idea?
I know some of you will try to convince me not to get one/or warn me about them cause there aggressive and bite. Thats part of the reason i want it,plus have you seen some of the pics these guys are in!?Wow! Also i like the idea of it croking or wtv at night.