View Full Version : Trying to trade in snakes

07-01-05, 06:57 PM
Well, I decided to down size my collection a little. I'm going to the local pet store and I want to fine out what my animals are worth before I go in and trade them. Kinda like looking at kelly blue book before going to a car dealership. So any info you guys have would be nice.

1.1 Smooth Scale Sand Boas Proven Breeders(about 6 years old)

0.2 Rough Scale Sand Boas (one is about 2 years old and the other about a year)

1.0 Russian Sand Boa (my guess is about a year old)

0.0.1 Pacman Frog (about a year and a half old)

0.0.2 Sulcatas(about 3 years old but only about 4 inches long)

0.1 Kenyan Sand boa(about 2 years old but only 8 inches long. When I got her she wasn't eating so I believe her growth was stunted)

Thanks in advance

07-01-05, 08:11 PM
I work for a pet store.....you would not get what you think out of them.....just to let you know....but you will get some okay money......


07-01-05, 08:44 PM
well if i were you i wouldnt give ANY of my reptiles to a pet store. there are too many stories of pet stores giving terrible care to their reptiles. i dont know about the one youre talking about but pet stores in general have a very bad reputation with them. if you know the owner and you know he will take good care of them while theyre there, then youre ok. i dont think you would get an appropriate price for them at a pet store anyway.

07-02-05, 12:34 AM
your better off puttin up classifieds.. proven breeders and such are worth alot more to ppl in the trade than a pet store.. as well thoes arent overly popular so you may find someone whos looking for them.. get the cash and buy the supplies you need

07-02-05, 10:31 AM
well if i were you i wouldnt give ANY of my reptiles to a pet store. there are too many stories of pet stores giving terrible care to their reptiles. i dont know about the one youre talking about but pet stores in general have a very bad reputation with them. if you know the owner and you know he will take good care of them while theyre there, then youre ok. i dont think you would get an appropriate price for them at a pet store anyway.

Well it wasn't just a pet store it was a reptile store. I know they take good care of their animals. Its not a chain its privately owned. I've had a lot of experience with them in the past.

07-02-05, 10:59 AM
ok well then you can just ignore my origional post lol:) i also think that you would be better off putting up classifieds ads like peterm15 said.

07-02-05, 11:50 AM
a retail store can only offer you what the wholesale value of the animal is. you would be bette off to put them up for sell yourself, then buy what you need from the store. to figure wholesale value, go to www.gherp.com and look up your animals. take the retail price glades has on the animal, and the wholesale value should be about 1/2 of that. hope that helps.