View Full Version : site revamp. good job
06-28-05, 09:17 AM
i thought i went to the wrong site this mornin.. everything was different... well it looking good guys.. great job..
06-28-05, 09:31 AM
Me too! Worst part was realizing I had to sign in again as a member...I have this 'thing' with passwords, can't always remember them.... :dumb:
But..."Great Job" kudos for all the hard work and effort. I really think it looks great.
i like it too, but seems rather similar to a certain other forum.
06-28-05, 11:01 AM
well they are both v-bulliton.. i believe..
most forums.. espically newer ones look like this..
im confused how do i do a custom avavtar?
06-28-05, 11:37 AM
click on quick links and hit edit avatar
06-28-05, 12:37 PM
Wow pretty slick, logged in and thought as well I was on the wrong site, but it looks good.
Great job guys with the upgrade and additions.
06-28-05, 12:55 PM
Im glad you all like it. I will be working on it the next few days to get the front page back somewhat like it was.
06-28-05, 12:56 PM
I absolutely hate this new look, and hate even more that we don't have an option to switch back to the way it was before. This centered text is hard to read, the private message section is awful, and the blue is just terrible. Congrats on yet another move in annoying your users and taking options away from us.
06-28-05, 12:57 PM
I'm really foggy in the mornings, couldn't figure out what happened at first........
Love the new look! It'll probably take me a while to figure it out (I'm not very high tech :o ), but I can't stay away...
Great job, and thanks for all the effort it must have taken to make the new and improved site, so people like me can continue to learn and be entertained!
06-28-05, 01:11 PM
I hate this new look as well, I wish we could go back. Centered looks terrible, so do the smilies, color, and everything...
06-28-05, 01:35 PM
i have a question.. what is rep power, i notice i have 2 but what the heck is it
06-28-05, 01:45 PM
hey did you guys get rid of all the older posts..
I agree with Invictus, the old fomat was much better! I guess I don't like change...
06-28-05, 01:56 PM
Ive never liked this version of vB it looks like a free software...
06-28-05, 02:28 PM
I fear change....
06-28-05, 02:51 PM
I like the Birthday list on the homepage! Having a hard time adjusting the eyes to the new look....:)
06-28-05, 03:00 PM
When i saw the change, I didnt like it too much but its growing on me.
06-28-05, 03:05 PM
It looks just like many other boards now, I really liked the way ssnakess looked different before.
But I guess I was expecting something like this to happen, ssnakess hasn't been the same for a while now, so why should it look the same?
06-28-05, 03:57 PM
very bad. I hate !! :medbottom
master pt
06-28-05, 04:05 PM
well well what can i say :( sorry you changed it was much better before but its hard to please every one hm btw keep up the good work ;)
I thought you got hacked or something, I don't like the new look. It seems almost rough and cheap. The old set-up matched the site and everything really flowed well together.
06-28-05, 04:42 PM
I (Justin) must side with the people who like the older version. also, The blue has absolutly NOTHING to do with snakes.
Also, there is SOOO much wasted space with the person's name. I'm on a laptop, and for me, screen space is valuable real-estate, i don't like having to scroll so much just to get to the next reply.
just my $0.02, take it for what it's worth.
Asian Jon
06-28-05, 04:44 PM
I don't mind this version of VB, lol but the colour must go...
06-28-05, 04:53 PM
I agree with Inc on this one; the site now looks trashy. Ssnakess, as known to older members, had gone downhill in the past 6 months faster than any other site Ive been apart of. At least the distinct look offered something to users besides horrible moderation and abuse of power. Now its like all the other horrible herp sites out there; looks and all.
06-28-05, 05:08 PM
I absolutely hate this new look, and hate even more that we don't have an option to switch back to the way it was before. This centered text is hard to read, the private message section is awful, and the blue is just terrible. Congrats on yet another move in annoying your users and taking options away from us.
Agreed, could not have said it better myself. It's awful.
(if Justin likes he he can post separate, but i'm pretty sure he'll hate it too.)
Agreed the colours should go back to shades of green, and there is wasted space, but the rest of it is okay by me. I think some of you are being a little hard on them. It can't stay the same way forever! Maybe this is easier to maintain or something, who knows. Anyways, it is their site, not ours, do what you like. It's the people that make the forum not the appearance!
06-28-05, 08:56 PM
I like the old look much more. Like what some others said, now it looks cheap.
wth is th rep power thing ? lol
06-28-05, 09:04 PM
yeah i have to agree with most of the other people, i really dont like the new format. the old one was so much cooler and easier to understand. but what the heck, i wont leave just because of the way the site looks.
not too hot with the new page -
I didn`t like trying to figure out where everything is
06-28-05, 11:37 PM
As Jeff stated, he's still working on the new look.I'm sure he's still experimenting to get an idea of what the members think, and which will suit the look of the best..and work to the best of his ability to try and make it work best for everyone.
We're all entitled to opinion..and opinions give out ideas..and the ideas will be thought about..and incorperated into the new design as much as possible. New software, im sure it takes some time to learn new tricks.
06-28-05, 11:45 PM
I don't like this new thing either. I agree with invictus, that the centered text is hard to read, most people read from left to right, not center, so my eyes automaticly go to the left...not the center......
ahh well, it's not like we have much say over it.
Agree with Invictus as well...Sucks.
I must say I also hate this look =(
06-29-05, 11:32 AM
As Jeff stated, he's still working on the new look.I'm sure he's still experimenting to get an idea of what the members think, and which will suit the look of the best..and work to the best of his ability to try and make it work best for everyone.
Atlease jeff is trying... :flick:
One question, what in the world is the rep power?
06-29-05, 12:15 PM
Who knows, this sucks...
oh god cuz its in the center all of a sudden you cant read wow......
06-29-05, 12:30 PM
Nice job guys....great new look.
I liked the old, I'm not gonna stop visiting cos this site rocks, but the new format kinda stinks.
06-29-05, 12:58 PM
Rep power will be turned off. Ive seen a few people complain about centered text but it doesnt show this way on any of my computers. I called a few people and had them check and its not centered for them either. Im working hard to get the front page back to normal right now.
06-29-05, 01:49 PM
Well, it seems the MAJORITY of the users hate the new look. The centered text is in all PMs, the main page that lists new threads, and the individual forums listing threads under MSIE 6.0 on Windows XP. I just launched it under Netscape, and the text isn't centered. This by itself shows a pretty big compatibility issue.
Perhaps you should have consulted a professional web designer, someone who actually knows what they are doing, and what looks good and what doesn't?
06-29-05, 02:53 PM
Well, it seems the MAJORITY of the users hate the new look.
It's more like "the majority of the users who replied to this post hate the new look". Forty odd replies out of 8,000+ members is not the majority, and some of those 40 like the new look.
Perhaps you should have consulted a professional web designer, someone who actually knows what they are doing, and what looks good and what doesn't?
And do you know for a fact that the current admin isn't capable of doing the job? Would you say that any colour scheme a 'real' professional picks will pass muster with all the members? Even the forums that do allow users to pick a colour scheme only have a few choices. I can't think of one that lets the users customize it completely in every way, so it's a good bet there are some unhappy members looking at a colour scheme they don't like. That's life fer ya..... can't have it all served up to your liking.
The software was upgraded just a few days ago, wouldn't it stand to reason that it will take a few more days to get the bugs out? Let's just cool our heels a bit until the changes are declared final, finished, done, over and out. Wait and see what the finished product looks like and how it performs before judging too harshly.
06-29-05, 04:03 PM
K1l0s, they may pay for the website and stuff like that, but if all us members went away, they would have nothing. sooooo in a long about way, it is EVERYONES website.
Maybe a poll should be posted with pics of the old website and new website so ALL USERS can vote, and the majorty vote wins.
I still don't like the new site though.
06-29-05, 07:08 PM
I personally liked the old site better...
06-29-05, 08:45 PM
Well Im glad everyone likes the new layout so much. :)
Fact is there are bugs, we are utilizing a new system for the front page and I am not used to working with it so things are a little odd for now. Everythings almost done now except for the front page and a few clicks of a mouse here and there. Ive been working almost non stop on this. To all those that like the layout, there will be cooler things to come ;)
06-29-05, 10:12 PM
Nothing could be cooler than this ...
06-29-05, 11:05 PM
I also prefered the older version it had more style it looked more professional.
I actualy purposly would not register to sites that look like this cause every one and there dogs have a forum setting like this one. to stereotypical for me sorry it may not be nice to say but I have been here for a while now as well as others here and I want to share what I think may be use full info. The old style was more homey more personal it realy felt like you were chating in some ones living room I might just be crazy but that is just me.
The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron
06-29-05, 11:10 PM
no I agree with you reptizone, the old style was much more reptile like, this theme/style seems more like a kids site.
I haven't been coming here much because I was forced to rehome all of my reptiles. But have since been coming back (and sending) people here because we have been considering getting a sand boa, or gecko in the future.
This "theme" seems to be sticking. Though I would like to say I won't be back, I know I will simply because of the people here and the knowledge they carry.
I also prefered the older version it had more style it looked more professional.
I actualy purposly would not register to sites that look like this cause every one and there dogs have a forum setting like this one. to stereotypical for me sorry it may not be nice to say but I have been here for a while now as well as others here and I want to share what I think may be use full info. The old style was more homey more personal it realy felt like you were chating in some ones living room I might just be crazy but that is just me.
The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron
not to sound like a jerk but you are saying that you wont join a website that looks like this because its stereotypical.... thats one of the stupidest things i have ever heard who cares what it looks like. if there are people there that enjoy the same things you do then thats what makes the site what it is, not cuz its blue or red or cuz it looks like another site whats the big deal ..... sorry
06-30-05, 12:58 AM
First of all you were not here 3 years ago when this site started with a bang I was fortunate enought to be here when there was less the 500 ppl on this site and I have seen it go threw 2 visual changes first the original was there then it was changed to what we call to old seting and now this one. I have seen ppl come and go. I have seen ppl try to spam the crap out of this site but we faught back as a comunity ya my spelling sux from time to time but I still post and ppl dont rag me for it any more. The fact is we have 8,575 members here now and I see 40% of that posting here regualrly.
This Template is what you see on big cooperat like web site to bland no life it is more of a fill in the blanks now.
It started as a few hundred ppl exchanging there tricks of the trade then it was a few thowsand ppl asking for help from the few hundred.
Now it a web site with a good and reputable name that was built over a few years turning into a pet store. There are some ppl that just think they know what they are talking about and honest hard working new ppl to the hobby are being fed a bunch of garbage. Almost all the older members can testify to this. is visiting the big red man down stairs now for how long we are not sure hopefuly it is just waiting in the elavator I hope it dosent just get off and stay there.
You just dont understand this place was awsome you could get away with anything before it was all taken lightly we all knew we were joking. Now it is all a big moralaty code, friends can not even insult each other jokingly with out some one jumping in to pick sides 5 pages later we find out it was an inside joke amongst themselves.
We acctualy had our own chat room Moderators were slack as long as it was not a huge flame war conflict would settel in time.
I rember having 5,6, somtimes 8 pages worth of debates on ONE topic man the stuff you could learn reading thows threads was incredible some of the best breeders in Canada would lend a helping hand so ppl could better understand the topic at hand or just point out observations they have made. It was sweet! Now we are all silinced because our experience is not as good as the care sheet some 10 year old is plaidgerising for a book that was published in 76".
Now it is just a bunch of ppl showing pic's of there animals and reciving 2 sentences as a reply.
I am sorry I just call it as I see it.
I have had flame wars with a few ppl here B4 Invictus was one if we tried now we would be baned I respect the man and he has a verry valid point this site should have just closed down 6 monts ago the save it's integraty.
This is not the I registered to 3 years ago.
And it is not the Admins fault it is ours as members we all let to many things slip threw the craks. Us the experienced herpers should have ben more firm and insured proper husbandry materials were ther at all times not just a sticky at the top of a forum. We should of started planed debate topics be organised and sofisticated about it either try and learn the craft you have chosen or stop wasting time and space now I am not saying stop posting pics and stuff. There was no joke forum and off topic discution place it was herps and more herps forget cars forget games herps that is it there are specialty sites for all the rest keep this site a herp specialty site. you wana read the joke of the day suscribe to a comedy forum and check daily.
The Admins are doing all they can lets just hope it is enough.
The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron
well it seems like you have more issues than just the site change with ssnakess lol. i just started coming here not too long ago so i dont pay much attention to anything. but i was kinda just referring to the part about not joining a site just cuz it looks like the same as another one. but its not a big deal i was just being stupid i probably should have kept my mouth shut. i personally like this site cuz it helps me learn about reptiles, i dont pay attention to anything else besides that. well have a good one
06-30-05, 02:19 AM
I did not want to snap. Sorry. but man you should have ben her 2 years ago that was the stuff man. I just had a touch of nostalgia that all LOL.
The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron
06-30-05, 03:52 AM
Will have to agree with you all, the old look was different - it set it aside from other sites. This new look does copy or look very similar to many other forums that start up with the template look. But I am sure over time the administrators will hear us out, evolve to a more unique look. I assume getting a forum up and running and just the overall maintenance does take up some serious time and we all should accept with a new design many things need to be organized and fine tuned. Over time I think we should all see new and old features added to make it a unique site.
For now, congratulations to the adminstrators for their efforts.
06-30-05, 09:28 AM
I absolutely hate this new look, and hate even more that we don't have an option to switch back to the way it was before.
I agree, I wish there was the option to switch the way it looked like before.
06-30-05, 11:00 AM
I'm not a large fan of this either...but at least we still have somewhere to post and such.
06-30-05, 12:21 PM
Yeah, ATA looks worse >.<
06-30-05, 08:14 PM
Hmmm, Would it be possible that the new software only has a few templates too offer? And also some coinsedence that all the other forums are dl'ing the same software? Possibly why I looks the same...
06-30-05, 08:41 PM
I'm on the hate the new look side as well, although I don't come here much anymore as I migrated to the "other" forums.
This blue is horrible. And I used to be able to hit "canadian classifieds" from the front page, now there's no shortcut there.
Sucks...but oh well...
06-30-05, 09:04 PM
I'm not a large fan of this either...but at least we still have somewhere to post and such.
The "masterminds" behind this site should be working on actually MODERATING the site rather than screwing with looks (although Im sure the monthly fee to keep the site the way it was was waaaaay too much ... much thicker wallets these mods have now-a-days).
06-30-05, 09:14 PM
there's a fee now? Or is that for voluntary members only?
06-30-05, 09:26 PM
There isn't one moderator who gets paid for their services. It's voluntary.
Jason, you think we mods are on a power trip just because we try to keep the peace around here when certain people start flaming other members? And now we're getting paid to do this? Give your head a shake, wake up to reality, will you? It's voluntary. It's to keep things running smoothly. If you have a problem with the mods, mention it to the admin, don't try to work it into a discussion about the new site software.
06-30-05, 10:01 PM
Honestly I'm just happy we have the knowledge here that most places don't. And the moderators...sure they get testy and such but its for our own good. I mean I KNOW I'm not fun to deal with, but I'm a kid, I get excited with animals, I post alot. But in a way I've matured like the Water for example. I rethought it, no way can I care for such an animal at this age. Now I'm getting a Beardie instead. I appreciate the direction a ton but sorta wish it were done without noting my past.
So if you look at the BIG picture, theres worse. I mean what if the owner decided, "eh...I dont feel like paying for this anymore." Then we'd have nowhere to complain. So I say instead of saying how ICKY or gross it is, offer suggestions (which I know some have done.)
Just my opinion
Don Meyer
You can put me on the hate list...I have been coming to this site for years and this change is totally unnessisary, out of the blue and in all honesty this site has taken a huge step back. Who likes this change that has been here a couple years?
06-30-05, 10:38 PM
You can put me on the hate list...I have been coming to this site for years and this change is totally unnessisary, out of the blue and in all honesty this site has taken a huge step back. Who likes this change that has been here a couple years?
Nobody makes you type in "" and post....
Sorry that sounds rude but its just the truth, and the truth hurts.
No kidding, I know I type it in but seriously how many people think that this has been an improvement? Do you?
As to your previous post about the big picture, this is how I see it. We get info from here myself included but when people are not happy...whether it is with the site or whatever you are going to get less and less people on here that have the knowledge that we are looking for and the site will die. I am looking for adivce when I need it from people who know what they are talking about and have been through the situation in question. I will go where they are. I have found it mostly here but I can see people (top breeders) already not posting here as much and migrating to other sites. You have to do what the customers want...that is business. I don't see site supporter by your name so who cares if you are not happy...I am a paying customer so smart bussiness minded people might listen to what we want and figure out that if they make a change and most people don't really like it then fix it. Don't sell us something short of what we want and most of us won't buy something we don't want.
I love this site but if it keep declining it won't be around.
So my question again do you like the changes
Going back and reading I think invictis and reptizone best represent what I feel as well. These were people who posted a lot here before and now we see them once in a blue is people like this that we are losing that is sad.
07-01-05, 08:08 AM
The new look is okay I guess. I really liked the way it was though. I guess that I com from the if it ain;t broke don't fix it school.
07-01-05, 10:14 AM
If you don't like it, you have options, people... Here are a few inspirational points to ponder by some of the world's most forward thinkers about working in a relationship or job that isn't healthy:
W - "Widen your search for a new friend (reptile forum)." - Vic Cardon
W - "Wander around until you find a better place." - Lisa DeWitt
W - "Withhold your loyalty if this relationship seems to be slipping." Evan Carter
R - "Represent your feelings with actions." - Dr. Phil Redwine
E - "Enroll in a new social group (reptile forum)." - Randy Vogt
P - "Pretend they are listening to you a bit longer, then realize they aren't, then leave." - Jim Brunzel
T - "Tell yourself you deserve better." - Sam Ip
I - "Imagine the names of other firms (reptile forums) that are managed properly and try them out." - Casey Gilespie
L - "Listen to your heart and look at things in a different way." - Ken Rudderham
E - "Even consider not supporting a company (reptile forum) owned by questionable entities." - Mike Patton
S - "Superior companies (reptile forums) are out there, do a (Google) search for others in your nation." - Alan Partridge
C - "Cash in your chips if you don't like the cards you're being dealt." - Tanny Apalit
A - "Act on your disappointment and find another establishment(reptile forum)." - Scott Alexander
N - "Never settle for second best…. Or fourth." - Karem Cameron
A - "Answer these questions two: What is the plural of Reptile? What is the northernmost country in North America?" - Ok, I made up that one... :p
D - "Do unto others as they have done unto you... abandonment anyone?" - Uncle Joey (Full House)
A - "Act now! Life is short." - Declan McManus
C - "Conquer the empire by turning your back on it." - Solomon
O - "Open your eyes to other options (reptile forums) and go with one." - Peter Nadolny
M - "Members have the power... don't forget that." - Danny Glover
07-01-05, 11:47 AM
"Too much time on my hands" - Styx.
I have probably been here for that long (on another account that got broke or summit) and it definitely has gone down hill, but it is still a great site, the colour change is a bit sad but it is the Admins choice.
07-01-05, 12:27 PM
"Too much time on my hands" - Styx.
:p LMAO!
Should I be ragingly busy all the time? What's wrong with extra time on my hands??? What's everyone's hang up with having time on their hands? I guess I'll go mow my lawn... I really shouldn't be so idle. :D LOL!!!!
Chill out, mon... It's a long weekend. :)
totally banned
07-01-05, 01:07 PM
I thought Tim's post was great. I also liked Repti Zones post (wasn't sure where he was going with it at the beginning, but his true feeligs came out)
The moral of the story is, if you are wondering where the "community feel" went, or where the experienced and knowledgable people who don't mind sharing their knowledge went, read Tims post again, and come sign up. (tell them Scales Zoo sent ya)
And again I see someone mention 8000 members. That number really represents nothing good, but reflects how many people have signed up and since left for better things.
I feel sorry for all the mods on this site who have been and continue to be deceived. Yes there is evil among us, there has been for a long time.
I mean really, if many of you were sticking with this site cause of the way it looked..... and that was the best thing it had going for it...... I don't think I need to say any more.
Ryan (artist formally knoiwn as Scales Zoo)
I can be found at the site with contests and giveaways, poker nights, a relaxed and fun attitude, and a very large knowledge base where we all continue to learn.
07-01-05, 02:02 PM
Ryan, how many times have you been banned on here??? :P
Tim, your post was brilliant.
on another note related to the overall bad feeling this new software has, i've had to login about 20 freaking times already today, although i have my cookies enabled and i shouldn't have to enter my information in all the time. Whats up with that?
07-01-05, 02:06 PM
on another note related to the overall bad feeling this new software has, i've had to login about 20 freaking times already today, although i have my cookies enabled and i shouldn't have to enter my information in all the time. Whats up with that?
Im not experiencing this problem.
There isn't one moderator who gets paid for their services. It's voluntary.
LOL remind me again why we continue to volunteer our own time to put up with the repeated (ridiculous) accustations we get ?? :rolleyes: I know if I were paid even a penny for all the attacks and nasty attitudes I have received, I probably would have a fat wallet... or at least more than the 13 cents that is in there now :p
That being said, I agree with what you have said. Feedback is always welcome, but please be constructive with it. As well as this thread is in regards to the new software, not the old, tired 'we hate those power-hungry, rollin-in-dough mods that are just trying to do their thankless job' arguement.
Change can be painful... you can stay with the site while it tries to work through it's 'growing pains', but nobody is forcing you to stay if you don't want to. Regardless, constructive input is welcome and will hopefully be taken in to consideration in working through this all. Another point to remember, people listen much better to voices that are well-spoken rather than a bunch of yelling and swearing... offer suggestions, take things in to consideration, say what you do like about this and what you don't like about that. :)
It would be nice if people could abide by the rules so this thread could stay open for discussion, instead of forcing it to be closed. It only does a disservice to the members of this site.
No threads or links to mature content.
No profanity or racism allowed in threads.
No political or religious discussion.
No personal messages. ie. 'so and so, empty your PM box.'
No cross-posting (posting threads in two or more forums).
No advertising of animals or objects for sale/trade.
No advertising of other forums (spam).
No abusive/threatening/disrespectful language towards to moderators (we are just doing our job), or other members.
No "naming names". This is not the C/BOI, please refrain from mentioning individuals or business names in negative light.
07-01-05, 04:09 PM
I dont have a real problem with the change, I just really dont like the colour. It really hurts my eyes while reading.IMO
07-01-05, 05:56 PM
I'm with most of the "older" members, I REALLY dislike the new layout.
I have alot of things i would like to say but i don't have the effort it deserves, so i'll leave it kinda short. I love and hate this site, it's all rolled up into one. I used to post ALOT back in the day until all the "kiddies" came out to play, now i just sit back, read, and shake my head at some of the BS i read on here, but i'm still thankful for all the people that are posting some great info.
I'm not the perfect person i don't pretend to be, you can take this post however you want most people do. I know the way i intended it to be and that's all that matters to me.
I hope the site gets back on track soon and good luck mods and admin (everyone should give them a pat on the back for at least trying to please most of us), i hope you all ducked in time with all the crap flying through the air. LOL
07-02-05, 04:06 PM
Here in the next hour or so we should have the colors changed slightly. Ive been working on a new layout for the front page and so you all can look forward to complaining about that soon too :)
07-02-05, 04:39 PM
I have a question that no one has yet asked.
What was wrong with the old layout that you felt the need to change it?
Just be honest.
Asian Jon
07-02-05, 09:01 PM
Looking good! Keep up the good work. I knew the site would look amazing after the colours and format have been changed.
07-02-05, 10:42 PM
wow comfused once again.. i liked the other colour scheem as well but this ones fine to... once again keep up the good work..
07-03-05, 05:45 AM
I just want a shortcut to the classifieds on the front page like before. But these new colors are alot better.
Don't worry, your new colours aren't that much of a ripoff of Reptiles Canada. You must have thought these ones up all on your own. Good Job!
07-03-05, 09:50 AM
Hey the newer of the changes looks good.
"The Times They Are A Changing" , glad to see that the sight is trying to keep up with the times.
07-03-05, 12:22 PM
New additions to the look of the site are really nice, good work crew.
One thing I noticed not sure if its everyone, but site takes a little longer to load up and view posts and sections. Maybe its due to still upgrading or the load up features taking up space (not sure on net lingo).
Wait a minute? This isnt Reptiles Canada?
Woops... Im sure its easy to see how ya could get the two confused now... LOL.
Why bother with original ideas when u can copy someone else.
Wow what a rip! :bugged:
07-03-05, 06:33 PM
ive got a good question.. when will the search feature include all the other posts.. it will only look for the ones since the change.. not the old posts im looking for..
07-03-05, 09:34 PM
One thing I like so far that maybe I did not notice on any forums before is the tab to close each reply after reading it, especially if your following a thread and don' t want to wind up reading a reply you' ve read already, sure makes it easy. I like this feature.
07-04-05, 12:51 PM
Seen this style of forum I have seen before and don't mind the style itself. It's just the main page I don't like. Other than the most recent posts in the forums, there is no other way to get to the community forum main page. This means you have to click on one of the recent posts, then go back to community forums in the path above the post you clicked on. On the old website design, you can click on whatever forum you wanted from the menu on the side, which made navigation much simpler and without extra mouse clicks.
Not to mention the necessity to stay logged in all the time. Sometimes I just like to read a couple forums and not have to be bothered logging in all the time.
07-04-05, 01:20 PM
i type in and then it takes you straight to the forums. i find doing this much easier than going to the home page first.
07-04-05, 04:37 PM
Not bad (but does look like reptiles canada). keep tryin :)
07-05-05, 08:42 AM
New skin looks great :D
once you get over the fact that it looks a lot like its not to bad. i hope that this is just temprary and they give it a more unique look. You are never going to be able to please everyone but there are some alrite new feature of the upgrade. Its the community not the look!!
After a couple pages i stopped reading so mabye this was already said. I personally like the older version better but mabye because i was really used to it.Thats not to say i hate the new version but prefer the older one.The only major way this site has plummeted downhill is that you can't post an opionion without someone freaking out and ragging on you.I understand good debate but saying someone's opionion is wrong is pretty hardcore. On the same note when people post on things that are really stupid they should be told that it is redicoulus but i don't think people should rag on for 5-6 pages of the same thing.The chat room has also lost so much. The mod's will ban you for the stupidest things.they will ban you for not talking only about reptiles but the next time you go in there they themselves are talking about anything they want with the people they know.I just don't understand why when they ban someone (i have been banned for talking about basketball) that same person can come back 2 hours later.What is the point?Anyways im sure i will be banned next time i go in just for writing this lol.I wonder what happened to the days where they had guest speakers in the chat rooms?i would very much like to see this again
I love this new skin, this looks better than before?
The site now has three horizontal nav-bars. There's the repti-bid/repti-forum eyesore on the top, the standard ssnakess navbar just under the banner, and the boxy new nav bar under that. There are way too many nav options, some of them are redundant, and none of the bars are similar to one another so visually the site is becoming a bit of a Frankenstein's monster.
Feedback #2: when reading a thread, there is way too much wasted space. Specifically, the fancy box around each post in a thread, and the space between posts leads to a lot more scrolling, and a lot less info on the screen at any one time.
Overall, the new look is nice, but not nearly as practical as the old one. I'd take function over form any day.
07-15-05, 02:25 AM
well, im not complaining. and im not reading all these messages, either, but ive been away awhile and just came back just now, and i dont like change either :(
It takes a lot longer to load for me for some reason, at least on the ole laptop.
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