View Full Version : Water Monitors - Something to go all out on?

06-22-05, 11:33 PM
I have always loved Varanids....I have owned Savannahs and a Nile in the past, and would like to keep another as just a pet o fmy own. Waters are definately one of my favorites, and I love the fact that most seem quite tame, ot can be quite tame.

But my ? is...is this a species I dont want to go cheap on? I see some for around $100....and some for $500. Now the $100 Waters are from a site and they are labeled as Asians. Does this price seem abit low?

I can offer it the space need definately, all the right food and lighting, but I just dont want to pay $100 or so for an animal that has been WC or CH.

If someone could please point me in the RIGHT direction via PM (sites and breeders) I would greatly appreciate it.


Don Meyer

06-22-05, 11:38 PM
I'm not going to give you advice on breeders or sites, but I am going to offer advice on getting a water monitor (or any other monitor) as a 'pet'.


If you get any large monitor with the hopes or intention of it being tame, you may be able to get what you're after, or you may not. In the latter case you'll be stuck with a food gobbling, space and electricity sucking, giant, tail-whipping (or even biting) monster. Then what?

Even a very 'tame' one can have an inappropriate feeding response and remove a finger or two.

06-22-05, 11:45 PM
I am aware of how much tehy can eat, and all the expenses. Maybe not AS aware with a Water monitor, but I plan to learn. I had a 4ft Savanna at one point and she was quite a handle full. My post wasnt meant to sound like i was EXPECTING a pet either, I guess I just meant something I DONT plan on breeding.

06-22-05, 11:47 PM
The longer I keep my monitor, mind you its only a savannah, the more I realise these aren't lap dogs that have to be 'tame'. I actually enjoy watching him more then picking him up and killing off his natural instincts. Although he is calm and not deffensive, I would still rather leave him be in his cage or let him roam around but not force him to sit on my lap.

Dont take this the wrong way, I am not directing anything to you, just stating that I find monitors more interesting when left to 'do their thing' :)

06-22-05, 11:56 PM
I agree totally BartMan. When my monitor was out....she was out on her own for excersise with CONSTANT supervision. She enjoyed walking around my room and just "chilling" on top of my bed.

06-23-05, 03:19 PM
Don't take offence here Don but you've done this many times.. start asking questions, go against good advice, buy a monitor, get rid of it.. now it's repeating. Make sure that you're prepared this time. Best way to prepare yourself is start small. Get a pair of ackies, raise them, breed them, hatch them - and then if you're still interested in working with them on a larger scale, upgrade to a bigger species. For now, stay with the little guys as a learning stage.. Trust me, it's the best way to get into varanids.. I wish ackies were more commonly available when I began keeping monitors, would have saved me alot of headache.

06-23-05, 04:29 PM
How is it repeating? What have I boughten? haha

I raised a female Sav to 3ft and had some babies.....I highly doubt I'll get one cause of the size though anyways....I probably wont get any monitor any time soon until I get my own place.


06-23-05, 07:54 PM
How is that 3 foot sav doing? Have you thought of buying her a mate? Why isn't she listed along with your garter snake at the bottom of your post?

06-23-05, 08:43 PM
I loved garter snakes. Way back in 72 and 73 we lived in Washington state and I would find balls of the critters and turn them loose in my sisters room.
It would have been the perfect gag, if she didn't beat the tar out of me for my efforts.
Ahhh............... Memories.......................


06-23-05, 09:03 PM
If you're only 18 and you dont have your own place and house, you'd better not get a water monitor or any large monitor. I dream of these but i will NEVER aquire one until i have a house... I pitty my 3' sav in its 5x2x2 cage, i wonder how i could keep a water monitor in anything smaller than a 15x10x7' cage...

06-23-05, 10:23 PM
crocdoc - unfrotunately i had to move. if there is a problem with that please feel free to pm me. you might as well pm a whole other bunch that are selling reptiles because of a move as well ;)

bistrobob - fortunately enough i have a decent sized house, with an extremely large basement

I realize now why I took a few months off of the forums.....i asked a simple ? about the prices and quality of waters, and this becomes a care issue? if i was not aware of the size and space needed, i sure as heck wouldnt be asking about how much a CB or nice water would be.

Thanks anyways though, guess I'll try some people athe upcoming show

Don Meyer

06-24-05, 04:47 AM
Actually, if I moved I would move my animals, too (unless I moved to another country, of course).

06-24-05, 10:28 AM
Well unfortunately at the time, that wasn't an option for me due to the situation. Because trust me, if I could have, I would.

06-24-05, 03:43 PM
I realize now why I took a few months off of the forums.....i asked a simple ? about the prices and quality of waters, and this becomes a care issue? if i was not aware of the size and space needed, i sure as heck wouldnt be asking about how much a CB or nice water would be.

It becomes an issue when it becomes extremely repetitive.

06-24-05, 04:16 PM
Don, you've been banned from this site how many times???

I recall you giving advice on letting a savannah free roam with a card board box for shelter not long ago either... Don't take offence, you just don't seem to want to listen to anyone.

Theres plenty of info and good reading out there on monitors, if you really were truely interested you'd do research and not come to the forums and ask the same q's over and over and over

06-24-05, 10:38 PM
Bartman: Wow....except I have done squat except ask a ? about pricing and what to look out for.

V.hn: LMFAO! Free roam a card board box! I have to see where you read this...please! Also...please show me a nice site where they explain the localities, colors, prices and such of Waters and I'll be happy.

06-25-05, 12:55 AM
First its a 4 foot savanna?

Now it's a 3 foot savanna?

Did it shrink as if aged?

*shrugs* You got me...

06-25-05, 04:53 AM
If specifics are neccessary it was 3 1/2ft. I apologize I wasnt aware the size mattered here.


06-25-05, 04:56 AM
You know what forget it.....I realize that I do post alot about different animals. But its not like I'm getting all of them.

From now on I'll just make everyone happy, and refrain from posting inquiries.



06-25-05, 12:15 PM

Originally posted by BoidsUnlimited
Hmmm...in my opinion as long as your are 110% POSITIVE there is no way he could get into mischief then I'd say quite away. Offer him a nice place to bask for some heat....and maybe a carboard box to fuss around in and I'd let him roam for 30 minutes or maybe even an hour. Thats just me though....I use to let my Sav out for quite away. Heck I know this sounds irresponsible....but I fell asleep with my Sav on my belly one day and I woke up to her chilling out on my floor haha

Every monitors dream, its very own cardboard box to fuss around in. Don, if you get a water monitor make sure you get a fridge box or something.......

06-25-05, 05:36 PM
Haha I must hand it to you pal your extremely comical. For a second there I thought you were my age!

06-25-05, 10:09 PM
alright alright,

Don is right, there is a reason some people dislike this forum, and this thread is a perfect example. I understand you are looking out for the best interest of the monitor, but you aren't really helping.

If he wants this monitor bad enough nothing you say will stop him. The best way to help is politely give links to accurate care sheets and any advice you can think of ( ie the post about starting with ackies).

I haven't read any of these prior questions you are all talking about, but i don't see how personal attacks would be meritted.

Don, i would say at 18 getting a large monitor would be a big mistake. It sounds like you live with your parents and i don't imagine you plan on living there your whole life. The real world is expensive and your first few places won't likely be large enough for you and a large monitor. The feeding costs will be almost equal to your own. Anyways, i have no idea of your situation, thats just what i extrapolated from your posts.

As to your original question, i believe most water monitors are wc ($100) and if you want a cb you will be paying more ($500).

Good Luck, and play nice


06-25-05, 10:12 PM
Thank you KILOS for answering my question...and after some thinking and you pointing it out I will most likely NOT be getting one. I dont think I'm ready for the space and feeding honestly.

If I do get a monitor...it will most likely be something small such as an Ackie.

Thanks again,


06-25-05, 10:17 PM

06-26-05, 12:01 AM
What I want to know is, What in the Blue Blazes does extrapolated mean.
All you college kids with the big words can confuse an old man


06-26-05, 12:01 AM
What I want to know is, What in the Blue Blazes does extrapolated mean.
All you college kids with the big words can confuse an old man


06-26-05, 05:40 AM
It means deduced.

06-26-05, 08:12 AM
I'm sure by now it's obvious all he wants is an answer to his original question. I admit he can be frustrating to deal with going by past experience, so why not help him out for the sake of the animals? Stick to answering his questions and stop the nasties. If you don't want to keep repeating yourself to him on and on, then ignore his posts.

06-26-05, 06:01 PM
He was told to start with ackies but instead got defensive.

John A
06-28-05, 10:54 AM
as a dedicated keeper of water monitors, i have to add my 2 cents. ive been keeping the salvators for most of my adult life. they are active, interesting, and often inquisitive subjects. they are also the messiest, stinkiest, and not to be trusted. they react to the heat of your body. even "tame" ones i know of have maimed friends of mine. 2 guys i know cannot use their thumbs anymore and require more surgeries to transplant nerves, re attach severed tendons, etc. they sh*t and eat and your busy keeping up. they eat more than you could imagine, and although most keepers feed less than required, they grow obese due to cooler cage temps, and infrequent bulky feedings. i spend hundreds on food, and maintenence yearly. i am a working stiff, and come home to daily chores to keep them happy. my water monitors are extremely strong, able to push a couch with me on it in order to satify their curiosity. i am sick of the stigma of salvators supposed to be tame. this nonsense stems from cold kept, and or fat salvators. a well heated salvator of 30 lbs and 6 feet can move like a flash, leap up and take your lips off before you can mouth the words "oh shi*". and this is a feeding responce, not aggression. just a little advice for the newbies: stick with the smaller species, notably ackies, and maybe flavies. you get all the monitor in a more compact and better managed package. sadly, many salvator keepers grow frustrated with them- their messiness, their space, the money spent. -john from http://www.cybersalvator.com

06-28-05, 09:44 PM
John, that was an excellent post- Please continue to add your input to these threads.. Some people need the advice from first hand expierience. Thank you!