View Full Version : Anybody go field herping in California?

06-20-05, 04:57 PM
I'm going to be in California for a month (6/29 - 8/1), & would like to know of any decent places to go field herping. I'll be in the LA area, but can travel reasonable distances. I've never really been field herping before, so any suggestions of good places or times to find animals would be appreciated. I seem to have bad luck everytime I look, but I have a feeling that I'm just looking in all the wrong places. I'll definitely post any pictures if I do find some critters. Thanks! :)

06-28-05, 05:58 AM
You should go out to Riverside county, Even with the bad luck you will still find some stuff out there lol. They have some of the best looking Southwestern speckled rattlesnakes out there. And the Mojavegreens out there are just awesome they are the greenest of the greens. If that's the kind of stuff your looking for though. I live in Ca so let me know what you are looking for and I'll see if I can help out any.

Thanks, Josh

06-28-05, 09:21 PM
Hi, & thanks for the reply. I'm looking for any types or reptiles, but I'd especially love to see snakes. The rattlers sound awesome; I'll definitely check that out. Any chance you'd know of a place where I could find snakes that can't kill me, though? :o I'd love to catch & release something if I could, & I'm not up to putting my hands anywhere near a rattlesnake. :p Thanks!

06-28-05, 10:24 PM
Ok Still out in Riverside and San Bernardino County, is still a hot spot. There is also Desert and Coastal Rosy Boas, Southern Rubber boas, B/W California kings, San Bernardino Mountain Kings, All kinds of suff. It's snake heaven out there. If your looking for a paticulre species of snake just e-mail me and I will let you know were to go if I know.

Best of luck.


Thanks, Josh

06-29-05, 12:56 AM
Email me at Fieldnotes@hotmail.com and I'll try an lead you to some great spots. If you dont mind splitting gas 50/50 you could tag along with me sometime. I'm always heading out to the desert.


07-10-05, 08:31 PM
dude i would so go with you if i didnt live in virginia and if iwere alot older it might help too