View Full Version : Soo .. what did everyone get at the show today ?

06-19-05, 08:19 PM
I got me a male chameleon and a high yellow beardie from a table up near Tails and Scales Resuce and a female ball python from Rocky Mountain Reptiles

nice haul over all ...

expecially the ball .. Rocky Mountain was very nice to deal with .

Sooo .. what did you get ?

06-19-05, 10:57 PM
Ball Python, from Jeneric Reptiles, thanks Eric for this great snake, and amazing price !!!
I wish i could have gotten a few more snakes though......oh well there is always september !!!!!

06-19-05, 11:51 PM
excellent prices there. shows are the best place to buy and trade.

06-20-05, 08:13 AM
Was the show no good or something? Usually there's like 2 pages of replies by now.


06-20-05, 09:52 AM
Ive deffinetly been to more exciting and packed shows.

06-20-05, 11:46 AM
I got 6 leopard geckos
-1.1 red stripe from HQReptiles
-0.1 tangerine albinos from jason at capital city geckos
-0.2 patternless het albinos from mike at leopardgecko.ca
-0.1 hypo tangerine from loving leos

And that's it!

The show was good but the replies are on Reptiles Canada! Since it was organized by them.


06-20-05, 11:50 AM
The show wasn't too bad, but as Bartman said it was a little slow for a June show. Probably had something to do with Father's Day being on the same day. Oh well, there's always September;) .
Take care,