View Full Version : heat tape.. barely hitting 95???

06-19-05, 03:26 PM
ok so i got some heat tape and i started wiring it up today.. i decidid to solder it as i feel its the best way.. and i found instrustions on how to do it...

but i plug it in ( no dimmer ) just to see if i hooked it up properly and its been like 30 min now ( its 4:37 here ) and it wont reach past 95.. and thats a barely.. its not even that warm to the touch.. doesnt this stuff get like super hot.. like over 120 or did i do something rong...


06-19-05, 08:51 PM
That is odd indeed. What wattage is it? What width? What brand?

06-19-05, 08:55 PM
flexwatt.. im not sure of the wattage but its 11"..

and was it you i met today while you were at matts table.. i thought so but you talked so quietly and i havent got the best hearing..

06-19-05, 09:00 PM
calorique 11" heat tap.. same used in this site and wiered the same way...


06-19-05, 09:13 PM
Poor/incomplete wiring job on the tape.

06-20-05, 04:43 PM
if thats the case whats the best way to wire it without clips..

06-20-05, 05:30 PM
Why don't you want to use the clips? Thats pretty much all i use and they work good.

I use it another way on one of my racks that works good for me, here is a link to Tim Cranwill's site that explains how to do it with pics.


06-20-05, 05:32 PM
thanks.. when i bought it i opted not to use the clips.. im not a clip kinda person.. so if i want clips i have to order them..

that was my next choice.. and i guess my final one.. lol..

06-20-05, 05:34 PM
heheh i know i am the one you got the heat tape from.. :)

06-20-05, 05:43 PM
ya.. i know.. hoping you didnt though... :D

well i have 3 feet not thats all not working right.. al least its only a small part.. ill cover the open ends up with silicone and see if i can save these peices.. if that doesnt work at least i still have enough to get me through... i just wont have leftovers..

06-20-05, 06:31 PM
I've wired all my heat tape with the above mentioned clips and have never had a problem.
Also, I hope you didn't misconstrue my comment with being an attack, I should have posted a "?" afterwards.

06-20-05, 06:34 PM
I solder it and I love it. Best connection as far as I'm concerned.

06-20-05, 07:26 PM
but its just not working for me.. could it be the solder that im useing... ive soldered millions of things from speaker connections to my floresent lights to fixing walki talkies..

and mykee i didnt take it as an attack.. i read through alot of your posts and your just a short answer guy.. busy is my guess.. thanks though...