View Full Version : Pics of new garter hatchlings

06-17-05, 10:25 AM
Final total was 17.

06-17-05, 04:18 PM
owwwwwwww so sweet !!!

06-17-05, 08:24 PM

I'm still awaiting babies from Melanistic Eastern X Melanistic Eastern, and Melanistic Eastern X NY Blue Eastern.


06-18-05, 01:42 AM
I would love to see pics of them when they get here. What do you expect them to look like? I bred corn snakes for the last few years, and I find the garter snake to be a much better snake for a pet. They are curious, they don't hide all the time like a corn. They are just as easy to tame as any corn I've had, and they are developing more morphs every year thanks to breeders that recognize that a garter is more than just a "common" variety snake. I lived in North Dakota last year and I had never seen so many garters in my life. I started keeping them then. I still have a few corns but I would like to breed garters instead. Keep me in mind when and if you decide to sell your babies.

06-18-05, 08:43 PM
Well, I'm not sure what the Blue X Melanistic will look like. I'm hoping the babies have some awesome color to them. All of the babies will be het for melanistic.

The Melanistic X Melanistic breeding will produce most/all melanistics, some normal hets.

Next year, I'll be breeding the NY Blue Eastern to a Erythristic Eastern. I'll also breed a Flame Eastern to a normal Eastern, and also possibly a Flame to a Melanistic.

In 07', I'll be breeding 1.1 Het Albino, Possible Het Melanistic and Snow Eastern Garter Snakes together. I'm hoping to get a couple nice albinos out of that. :) I'll also be breeding 1.1 Het Erythristic Easterns together, to hopefully get a couple nice looking erythristic babies.
