View Full Version : corns and rubbermaids

06-16-05, 02:33 PM
Hello all, I was just wondering what size rubbermaids you good folks out there use to house your adult corns. I'm not just talking 3, 3 in a half footers I mean the big guys! like the bulky 5 , 5 and a half footers. I keep my big dudes in 30 gallon aquariums or custom wood enclosures, and they use every bit of space. I really need to switch to the good ol' rubbermaids though as they are waaaay easier to clean and move etc than tanks , and custom enclosures are lol. any and all advice is appreciated.

thanks Ryan J

07-12-05, 10:53 AM
If you want something that large you might want to look at the Rubbermaid 2267-87 (10 x 33 x 20 in) or 2268 (14 x 33 x 20 in).

07-12-05, 03:43 PM
Corns will certainly use whatever space you give 'em. For my bigger ones, I use the model 2268 described above. Should run you about 13 bucks at Walmart.

07-12-05, 09:11 PM
awesome thanks for the help guys I'll definatley be getting some.

Ryan J