View Full Version : my BP still doesnt want to eat :P

11-27-02, 09:19 PM
when should I expect him to feed again?? (after the winter?)
lol the little guy is boring: he sleep all day and thats about it :confused:

as far as I know, he doesn`t show any illness signs!

Big Mike
11-28-02, 09:17 AM
They are nocturnal....they are supposed to sleep all day. He is probably more active when it's dark and you are asleep.

You could always teach him to do a backflip.

11-28-02, 09:26 AM

Now thats something I would like to see

11-28-02, 12:28 PM
LOL Mike :)

PO -- Just keep trying -- it's possible that he won't eat until after winter, but then again, he might.

As Mike said -- they're nocturnal, so they will sleep all day, and likely be more active at night. Try feeding him at night actually, sometimes that will help...
Ball pythons generally aren't a very active snake though... If you want a more active snake you could try a colubrid -- they tend to be out and about a little more I think...

12-08-02, 04:06 PM
a backflip? interessting lol!

12-09-02, 07:02 AM
I have learned 2 definite things about my ball pythons,

1 - The thing they do best is sleep

2 - It's impossible to teach them to fetch :)

12-09-02, 09:03 AM
Our Royals don't due much during the day, and sometimes not much at night either. if you wanted activity you should have gotten a hyper dog.

12-09-02, 11:27 AM
A nocturnal animal that sleeps all day? Wow, that is weird.

12-09-02, 10:16 PM
By the way ;p, Im not saying that a ball python is an active animal at day....but I remember a time when the little guy seemed to stretch his body at least one time in the night ! :confused:

12-10-02, 07:49 AM
i don't know how big the snake is, but trying feeding him a live pinky or fuzzy and if you already tried that, try giving him something smaller then you usualy give him, leave it in the tank overnight. .

12-10-02, 09:02 AM
he could just be lethargic? I've read that sometimes snakes get bored and end up just sleeping all the time. I've only had my snake for about two weeks but since then I've rearranged the things in his tank twice and each time hes come out and explored that same evening with more intensity than the previous nights....I dont recommend changing stuff around that often (I only did it because its a new setup and I had to make some minor tweaks here and there)...but maybe your guy is just bored.

Try increasing the difference in gradient maybe? The hot side a degree hotter the cool side a degree cooler? Then again maybe he is just in hibernation mode...Id keep a close watch on his weight and if he seems to be going anorexic then I'd worry.

12-11-02, 10:16 AM
try THE BOX put it in a box make sure it is dark and put the f/t whatever it is in there with it and leave it for a while it will aventualy eat it just to get rid of it !!!
