View Full Version : Never can tell..

06-14-05, 03:37 PM
Little history on this lady; I purchased this (~13 yr. old) LTC burgundy female from Corey Woods a few years ago. I thought that maybe she was a little light to breed at 2500g, but I tossed in a pastel male for fun, and she gave me 6 beautiful eggs and a slug last year (1.2 pastel het burgundy and 2.1 het burgundy). This year she packed on a considerable amount of weight and looked more than ready to go again. She ovulated on April 28th, and I waited and waited for a POS. Nothing. I got home from work today to find this:


Without having had a POS at all, she gave me 7 perfect eggs with no slugs 47 days after ovulation, weighing 743g (avg. 106g/egg).


06-14-05, 05:59 PM
Now can you understand why I hate BP's???

Bastage. Good for you though! Was the male Pastel het ready to breed back to her?


06-14-05, 06:04 PM
Unfortuantely, no. Long story...Thanks though.

Edmond Y
06-14-05, 09:24 PM
Jeff, the more you hate, the more you want them, right?
Mykee, congrats on the clutch.

06-15-05, 09:27 AM
congrats Mykee:thumbsup:

One day i hope i can take the same pictures.:D ;)