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11-27-02, 04:54 PM
just wanted to introduce myself.my name is dan,im 13,and i am interested in ball pythons.....i have been doing some reaserch on them and have to get my parents to say yes......i am also looking at corn snakes....but i think i would rather have a ball......well that about covers it for now,bye all

Big Mike
11-27-02, 05:02 PM
Welcome to SsnakesS.com :cool: If you have any questions just ask away and the people here will be glad to answer them for you.

11-27-02, 05:23 PM
Some points to push for being allowed a BP

They don't need to be walked.
They eat once a week (and poop that often).
They don't take up much space (a 3'X1.5'X2' space for adult).
They don't leave hair everywhere.
They don't make any noise.
They will snuggle with you for your body heat.
They are very smart (if they escape they will remember how they got out)

Can anyone think of anything else?

11-27-02, 06:16 PM
Welcome the forums.This is a great website to be for info on snakes. I would go towards the ball python. Make sure you get a captive bred one,but you probably already read that somewhere.

11-28-02, 02:26 PM
thank you all! lisa-i will have to try those on my dad........=)....i havent found it on any care sheets yet,but would pine (i think its that) wood chips be ok?and does anyone know some good care sheets?

11-28-02, 02:40 PM
I might refrain from mentioning that little escape comment *grins*... escaped snakes generally don't go over too well with parents, especially when they're not wanting a snake in the house in the first place. Just saying that they're smart is good enough ;)

For care sheets, there's one here:

You also might want to pick up the Ball Python Manual from your local pet store -- they should have it. There's some good info in there...

For the wood chips -- No, you shouldn't use pine -- any of the aromatic woods make very bad substrates for snakes -- in fact, they can be toxic to them. Especially cedar... if you like the look of the wood shavings, try aspen shavings, or fir bark. Cypress mulch also makes a good substrate. Just keep in mind that any of these kind of substrates are much harder to clean than if you use newspaper or paper towel etc...

Good luck :) Ball pythons are great!

11-28-02, 05:01 PM
ah thank you!i will pick up the ball python manuel.......and wait a second.......arnt you from gecko expert and/or the other forum?

11-29-02, 08:06 AM
:mad: :( i learned last night that i cannot get one...........and i already had part of the setup,damn

11-29-02, 08:54 AM
Hello Dan welcome 2 ssnakess this is a great site.The ppl here are very helpful with anything you want 2 know or ask it is great :)

11-29-02, 01:47 PM
yes! get the ball python manual, a care sheet is no replacement for a book.

11-29-02, 08:36 PM
Sorry to hear that dragonkid... that sucks.

Yes, I am from a couple of the other forums :) Thought I recognized you....

11-29-02, 09:31 PM
Maybe later they'll change their minds... be like wind on a rock.

11-30-02, 09:44 AM
yea hopefully they will change their minds,or i can work up a scheme where my brother (hes moved out) buys a snake (with the money i giv him) and decides he cant take care of it,and then i ask my dad if i can keep it,maybe it'll work =)

11-30-02, 12:31 PM
LOL -- now that's some devious thinking ;)

11-30-02, 05:14 PM
ah yes it is!and i have already thought of what to do if they say no,i just tell my brother to sell it to the petstore

11-30-02, 05:15 PM
i looked at the bag and it said fir bark

12-10-02, 11:54 AM
this is what i did "mom .. if i can't keep the snake i'm going to go on a murderous rampage and destroy the state of florida and will not end my quest until i have gained world domination!!!!!!! .... " *cricket cricket* .. ummm .. well they're cute snakes! :-D

12-10-02, 01:17 PM
you will get one one day my friend i know you will cuz if you want one bad enough , then one day you shall have one !!!look at me my mom said no reptiles at all while i am living under her roof
now i have10 snakes and she loves all of them ...she even wants me to get another one !

good luck dragonkid

12-10-02, 02:49 PM
I got an idea, why don't you tell your mom that if she doesn't let you get the snake the you'll get a tarantula! that would freak my mom out;)

12-10-02, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by tightsqueeze
you will get one one day my friend i know you will cuz if you want one bad enough , then one day you shall have one !!!look at me my mom said no reptiles at all while i am living under her roof
now i have10 snakes and she loves all of them ...she even wants me to get another one !

good luck dragonkid

same deal here .... sadly my mom never cracked...but i patiently waited until I moved out and had a decent cash flow and now the aquisition begins! if you have to wait it is worth the wait plus it will give you LOTS of time to research your brains out, which is actually one of the coolest things about snakes...theres so much information to learn its pretty exciting.

12-10-02, 04:46 PM
Well my mom never cracked too... I still live with my parents and am the proud owner of 2 corn snakes :D....... btw I live in a country where keeping reptiles is illegal ;)