View Full Version : dead viper gecks

06-05-05, 11:07 AM
My female viper gecko died recently. She was eating well, until one day, she SUDDENLY stopped eating, and died next morning.. I had split them up because the male was being a bit of a pig.
any ideas on the cause there?

And stupidly, i gave my cute little babies to my friend who had only kept a leo, and had not had to much success with the first 2 leos.. He "forgot" to dust crickets, and as a result, the lighter one got MBD, and as a result of him not upping calcium, or seperating them, the other one got it as well.. Kind of my fault for giveing them to him i guess....



06-05-05, 05:30 PM
sorry to hear that man. It could of possibly been egg bound.

My vipers died a little while ago also, they got really skinny and eventually passed. I'm guessing some sort of parrisite.

06-23-05, 09:13 PM
hey geoff,
when geckos are kept together and one stops eating after a long period of 'normal' behaviour, it is almost always a dominance issue.
dominance can occur regardless of which sexes are being kept together but is most common in males being kept with females of the same species.
the mere presence of the dominant gecko of the group will prevent others from properly eating, thermoregulating and many other things.
the only solution is to separate the dominant gecko, leaving the others in the original enclosure to minimize stress.
i would suggest keeping the sexes separate at all times unless breeding, in which case a day together is usually all it takes. not all geckos need to be kept separate, but a good majority will benefit from this...ground gecko species especially.
just my two cents,