View Full Version : I need some info on Leo. Geckos and Beardies before I get them

06-04-05, 09:19 AM
I have not kept lizards before. BUT, i have kept frogs, newts and salimanders. And at the moment, I have a snake.
My snake is native here in Canada so it doesnt need any extreme lighting and heat, and I know because these lizards are from warmer countries, they need much more than my snake.

I am willing to work with these lizards, I wont just get them and not care for them, as I know many do.

I am being given a Leopard Gecko
(the owner is moving, cant keep it anymore, not because something is wrong with the lizard)

I was wondering what important things I should know about keeping them. I know the basic things, feed them crickets, dust food in suppliments, dont pick them up by their tails...

I am also considering buying a bearded dragon. Same thing, any important things that the pet stores may not tell me?



06-04-05, 09:41 AM
Hope that link works, otherwise it's FAQ from the top of the Leo forum. It should answer any question you have. If not feel free to ask:)