View Full Version : updat on babies - pics

06-03-05, 03:27 PM
comparison at 3 months


sandra's babies at 2 months now


basking not the best pic but ...


injury to tail unsure of cause im assuming it was from a nothere baby its healing well. They have been seperated for being bad now though.


and the babie ho's update: I lost 2 babies they were just too weak, so im left with 3 all seem to be doing well. I am incredably happy soo far im suprised any have made it this far. hopfully ill have no firther problems - crossing my fingers.


06-03-05, 04:38 PM
That comparison is amazing! I can't believe how much that plant has grown!!


Nice chameleons, how many in total from both clutches have you had survive? If I didn't just spend all my money on a frilled dragon, I'd probably get a pair off ya.

06-03-05, 04:54 PM
That comparison is amazing! I can't believe how much that plant has grown!!

Brock, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I don't think it's grown much at all and I think the plant would stand a better chance if it were in a slightly bigger pot and if it were sprayed with some insecticide to get all those nasty, slimy, creepy, warty chameleons off of it! :p

Better yet, Brandy could just shake the chameleons off and into an envelope and mail them out to us! :p

B... you have too many chameleons.


06-03-05, 05:05 PM
Haha Trace, poor little guys! Thy're so darn cute, like a pocket triceratops only much cooler, good luck with the hoehnelli's!

06-03-05, 05:54 PM
all the rudis babies servived i havent had one death yippie 13 from 1st clutch and 12 from other female. so far soo good

06-03-05, 08:00 PM
Hope all turns out well for those babies <<<< on knees praying to the chameleon gods >>>. That hoehnelii is freaky looking (in a sexy kind of way ;) ).


06-03-05, 08:28 PM
Lmao roo. I truly beleive hoehnelli's are an aquired taste. I use to think they were hideous but have now grown a small liking for them.