View Full Version : Wanna snake sit in LA?

06-02-05, 11:19 PM
(Should this be in the classifieds?)

The person who was gonna snake-sit my wonderful Rosy, Dozer backed out on me. Is there anyone in the LA area who would like to take him for about two months? My little glutton needs to be fed and watered while I am out of town. I would be FOREVER grateful.

If all else fails I can get my sister to do it, but she doesnt like snakes and that would just suck. I want to make sure that he is actually tended to while I'm gone. I feel like an awful keeper. :(

Again, sorry if this is not appropriate for this forum, I've been out of the loop for a while.


06-06-05, 01:57 AM
Well. I guess I'll just assume that there is no one here from Los Angeles.

06-06-05, 02:44 AM
not many people on this site are even from the US let alone LA. not being rude, just saying it wouldnt suprise me if no one was interested. i am but i live in MD, pretty far away. at the pet store i use to work for, one of the girls in the reptile department always watchd people pets including snakes. perhaps if there is a good pet store near you you could ask some one there. or think about a profesional pet sitter, im positive there are some in your area you could find, hopefully one of them watches reptiles also. if all else fails maybe you can show your sister just how easy is it to care for a snake? im not sure how afraid of it she is though, i know some people that cant even come in my room yet some people are afraid but will poke one of the snakes and for some reason wipe their finger off on their pants *shrug* hope something works out.

06-07-05, 09:48 PM
She wears pink tops with pink bottoms, and screams whenever I defrost rats in the bathroom. She's a definite no. It's cool, I'm gonna figure something out, I just dont wanna pay a professional $10 a day for taking him. And I can't have some stranger walking into my mom's house while I'm gone.

On the other forums I posted in I got responses like, "I would if i could" and whatnot. Silly me, thinking I would get any responses here.

06-08-05, 03:10 AM
taking care of a pet is alot of responsiblility and you are asking someone that has no attachment to it to watch it for nothing. A close friend or family member may do it, but hardly a stranger. who will pay for food, supplies while you are away?

06-08-05, 08:41 PM
I didn't mean for this to get so ugly, I'll consider that next time I post on here (or dont post). I never intended to not pay for food, supplies, or for the kind act of taking care of my pet while I'm away. I'm going to be gone for two months, so paying a professional is a little steep. Regardless, the matter has been taken care of.

06-11-05, 11:44 AM
How large is it? What are you feeding it? Does it take pre-killed? What kind of cage is it in? Does it come with its own heat source? I'm In West Covina which is about 25 mins east of downtown LA.

06-11-05, 11:46 AM
What temperment does it have? How often are you feeding it? Do you handle it or not want it to be handled?

06-11-05, 12:14 PM
Sorry Wrath has already left on her world tour :)
I think she will be back in 2 months.