06-02-05, 06:49 PM
Hi, it's been a long time since I've been here, but I'm worried and am hoping to get some advice. I have a female rosy, who is approximately 5 years old. This is only the third time she's molted in the past 4 years. She has never had trouble with a molt before. I didn't realize this molt was coming, because she goes without eating often (her choice, not mine!), but I normally keep the humidity at a decent level. She's in a new tank so I haven't put a humidity gage up yet. Anyway, after the molt (she molted a few days ago) I noticed a little part of the old abdomen was stuck, starting at where it joins the front of her body. It didn't seem life-threatening, so I just misted the tank extra to help loosen it up a bit. Most of it came off, though there is still the tiny bit where it was attached. What worries me though, is that I just looked at her and realized that the hard front part (I forget what it's called) where her eyes are is still on! I hadn't noticed it wasn't on the old skin because it was kinda crumpled when she was done with it. I guess raising the humidity loosened the attached part enough that I finally noticed. Basically it has lifted up so that I can see both the old set of eyes and the new one. She's been acting fine and I've been misting more, but I'm still worried. I called my local pet store, but since it's not legal to sell tarantulas in this state they don't have a lot of experience. The woman I talked to gave me the number of a vet who may or may not deal with tarantulas and a reptile place in the next state (about 45 minutes away) that has tarantulas. Both places are closed already, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to talk to them. I honestly can't wait that long, though, without getting advice. Should I keep misting and let it come off on its own, or does it need human assistance? If so, I'm afraid to do it myself, mainly because I'm terrified of hurting her.
Please, any advice is welcome.
Please, any advice is welcome.