View Full Version : Mold in FBT tank

06-01-05, 02:31 PM
My setup for my fbt is growing mold. I have a small log separating the land, which is peat moss and aquarium gravel, and the water. I was gone for about four days and my sister was feeding the toads, when I got back, there was white mold growing on and around the log. Should I take the log out for good or should I clean it and put it back? Should I change the substrate? I also have a live plant on the land side. The kind used in those vase tanks for beta fish. What other kind of setups look good and work well for the toads. These guys are my first amphibians so I don't have alot of experiance to work with. Thanks.

Double J
06-01-05, 07:01 PM
Mold is a given with frog species that require high humidity, and is really nothing to worry about on a general basis for many species, and Bombina are no exception. There is no need to rip own the tank or change the substrate. All that is necessary is to do is take the log out, give it a wash in hot water, and put it back.
Bets of luck, and don't hesitate to ask any more questions

Double J