View Full Version : hognose Q's

11-26-02, 12:26 PM
How often is good to feed my western hognose, he is probably ~13'' or so. i have been feeding him once a week, cause thats what they were doing at the store, although, i feed him more at once, cause he was kind of thin. my pythons eat about every 3 weeks to a month, and they are doing very well on that schedule, but i know colubrids are different, so i wasnt sure how long i could go between feedings. its kind of a drag feding him once a week, cause hes always either sleeping, or pooping.

11-27-02, 05:57 AM
That feeding schedule sounds pretty good, but if he's way sleepy after his big meals you could try giving half as much and bump it up to every 4 days. That might make him a little livelier since he isn't sleeping off such a heavy meal.

Won't help with the always pooping, though!! Frequency of that might even go up. :D

11-27-02, 02:30 PM
im not home all day, i think thats when hes up. im used to my nocturnal pythons, cause i leave at 9:30am and i dont get home till 10pm, right about when the boids are waking up. but yeah, the little guy has crapped on me like 10 times. at least hes little. the 10 footer got me once, oh my God what a mess......