View Full Version : Sick Boa. Please Help

05-29-05, 02:23 PM
Here's are some pictures of what appears to be an infection around the ventral area of my young boa constrictor. This appeared the other day, and I tried contacting the specialist veterinarian, but they weren't in at the time (I plan on contacting them again asap). It all seems to have started when Rock regurgitated his meal several days after I had fed him. Then I waited a week and fed him again with the same results (a mistake on my part). Can anyone provide me with any insight to this problem and tell me if it is something that can be easily taken care of, or if it could become fatal very quickly? I will most likely have taken Rock to the vet by the time I get enough responses, but I'd like to get a general opinion on this situation as it has me worried.

This is with my webcam so the pictures are not great quality.


05-29-05, 03:01 PM
what is basically happening there is what looks is a prolapsed hemipene. You should keep a close eye on it and make sure it doesnt dry out. Clean the area with just a damp cloth and find a petroleum based ointment suck as neosporin and put that on a suture and keep it wrapped tightly and try to get it to a qualified vet in exotic pets as soon as possible. keep check the suture thoguh you dont want it to dry out at all!! any further questions ask!

06-02-05, 04:15 AM
take him to a vet

06-02-05, 07:29 PM
Thanx for the lack of help everyone. I took him to the vet today and as someone on this message board had told me he had a prolapsed hemipene and had a build up of waste inside him. They flushed alot of it out and put his hemipene back in. Im crossing my fingers and hoping nothing else comes of it. I just plan on giving him a bath tommorow and a pinky on the weekend to get him back on track.

06-05-05, 10:30 PM
prolapsed hemipenis can also be treated with a thick sugar water paste, if im not mistaken, do a search on this site for "prolapsed hemipenis" and I bet you will get a lot of useful tips from older threads. Mostly, you dont want to let it dry out, as I recall.
