View Full Version : saskatchewan

05-28-05, 08:13 AM
Im heading out to Prince Albert and Saskatoon for a weekend in June and i was wondering if anyone can tell me if there are any Reptile places to visit in either City.

Also if there is any place worth visiting in either place, ie: a zoo, good restaraunt, etc.

Thanks for your help

05-28-05, 03:29 PM
If your passing by BRANDON, check out Dave and his reptile zoo.

Senator Gracken
05-28-05, 03:37 PM
theres nothing in prince albert but there is a small zoo of sorts in saskatoon. i forget whats its called i havent been there for about 6 yrs. ill try to find out for you

05-28-05, 04:21 PM
I am also going to be heading to regina the first week of july and am wondering the same thing. Also would love to go herping while I'm there, but not sure where would be good to go. I wanted to head to Scales Zoo, but it seems to be more than 5 hours from Regina. If you feel like a drive, it is just under 4 hours from Saskatoon. Their url is


Have a great trip!


05-29-05, 06:26 PM
Unfortunatly Saskatoon is going to be my side trip, Im going to be spending most of my time in Prince Albert Visiting family. But thanks for the help, but who knows maybe i will skip saskatoon and go to scales zoo instead.

And ive heard of great things about the reptile zoo in brandon, but i wont be heading in that direction, hopefully this summer sometime.

05-29-05, 06:58 PM
Lindze. As far as I know, there isnt much for reptile places..especially in Saskatoon. Few petstores. The zoo is okay, not anything more spectacular than ours :P. Brandon is on the way too Saskatoon if your goin on the #1-16. But....you'll be goin there from thompson...right?
Is Ryans zoo still functional? Havent heard much since my mother and her bf were there months back. Maybe Joe will have some further input.


05-29-05, 07:41 PM
I'll ask Ryan when i see him online next time..but sure scales building is longer used and just has his personal stuff at his house. Gary has a new zoo in maple creek about 1 hr south of leader on the Trans Canada

05-29-05, 09:06 PM
Yea ill be heading through flin flon going on to Prince albert from here, going through brandon will add on way to much time.

I was just thinking of picking up some feeder mice somewhere, may as well restock while im near somewhere that has them. and maybe going sight seeing, cant be idle when you're on holidays now can you? lol

Senator Gracken
05-29-05, 09:16 PM
i finally remembered ... its the "forestry farm" nothing great from what i remember. i believe ryan and sheila still run scales zoo but you would have to talk to them to confirm it. thier email is scaleszoo@sasktel.net hope it helps, if you want a great camping area visit the meadow lake provincial park (my home town) the town sucks but the lakes are great. if you want a crowded lake visit kimbell lake or greg lake and if you want a quite lake visit flotten or lac des isles. but theres over 56 lakes to choose from so ....