View Full Version : Pygmies a poppin’

05-27-05, 10:21 AM
So I checked my clutch of 2 brev eggs last night and one had popped. It took about 75 days at 72-75F with night time temps around 64-69F (few hot days in there too). The other one just hatched out this morning and from the color of the eye turrets, it looks male. Tiny little things, I had to use a spoon to get them out. I have another 6 that should hatch in another 30 days. The female that laid them is a really nice looking brev IMO. So hopefully those good genes got passed on. Hatching was the easy part IMO, now comes the difficult part – getting them to adulthood. These are my first chams that I have ever hatched and it fell on the day of my one year “cham” anniversary. Really stoked and at the same time worried. I will take some better pics later on, the babies looks stressed so I have to leave them alone for a while.

I know there are some really experienced pygmy keepers here so I am hoping for some tips. Thanks.





05-27-05, 12:23 PM
I am in no way of any help to you....
never kept chams before
but those pictures that you took are great!!
Cute photos and congrats on the hatchlings! They're so cute (and talk about tiny...haha)

05-27-05, 01:58 PM
Wow, congrats! That wasn't long ago eh?

Very beautiful critters.

I am not necessarily experienced in breeding, but the one tip I can give you is to keep their humidity much higher than adults if possible. Seperate 1-2 per tank, and make the tank small, a gallon or two, and keep humidity 80%+ and feed springtails, fruitflies, anything extremely small. It's that time of year where aphis will be roaming all of the tulips etc, if you can find a plant that has not been pesticided, aphids make a great menu item.

Just curious on how and what you incubated them in. I know the closet method is preferred with pygmy eggs.

Good luck!

05-27-05, 02:17 PM
Hey Roo congrats they look soo small babies are the best expescilly your first ones, lots of uber small food. Im sure you will do just fine.


05-27-05, 06:27 PM
Thats the largest vermiculite I have ever seen! LOL Great pics :D
Sorry I can't be of any real help.

05-27-05, 08:49 PM
I dont think its huge ... the babes are tiiiiiny.


05-28-05, 05:24 AM
LOL, sorry I was being a smartass.

05-28-05, 04:30 PM
i dont know anything about chams, but when i bred feeder anoles, which hatch from eggs the size of peas, i had great success feeding them flightless fruitflies, which i ordered online ($5 usd for a starter culture). fruitflies are incredibly easy to culture, and breed really fast.

05-30-05, 08:25 AM
Sooo cute! Congrats and the best of luck with them! :D

05-31-05, 01:44 PM
Pics for size comparison ...




06-01-05, 02:46 PM
:D all I can say is, imagine how large that fly looks in the eyes of the cham! :P

06-04-05, 04:56 PM

Mine hatched Last night so far i have 2 New females and 2 males.
MN THEY ARE SO SMALL. Funny part is that i did not even now there were eggs in the tank. They hid the eggs on me lol. So cool they are so small. Bought some flightless fruitflies. Man i was not expecting this lol. But hey this is great i just wish i new ahead of time. I took them out of the big tank and put them in a smaller tank till i know what to do with them.

they are Rhampholeon brevicaudatus

06-04-05, 05:18 PM
Congrats joer!!!

06-04-05, 06:02 PM
Just found another 2!!!! 8)

06-04-05, 10:44 PM
Haha! Break out the cigars!!!

06-05-05, 02:00 AM
I've heard a few stories of eggs hatching in the tanks, just wondering how the adult chams might be for eating the hatchlings? Has anyone ever put a baby in front of an adult to see the reaction?

06-06-05, 08:01 AM
I recall a "family" photo from Trace in which the mom, dad, and offspring were all together for a photo. I personally wouldn’t chance it; a couple of my brevs are big enough to eat a hatchling.


06-08-05, 03:08 PM
I have never heard of an adult eating their babies, even in brooks, event hough it is physically possible as roo mentioned. And again, nobody reccomends it and it may happen.

06-08-05, 04:04 PM
I have doubts that a brev would eat it babies its quite possible but i wouldnet worrie about it with well feed brevs but i would still seperate them better safe then sorry. not only that it would be hard to keep large food items away from babies in a integrated cage. All in all they should be seperated.

06-16-05, 02:26 PM
This may not be the place to post this but where do you get them from i am located in Ottawa and am interested in acquiring a 1.2 trio but have no idea where to find em.

06-16-05, 03:22 PM
Edited out

Sorry I missed this mess earlier.

06-16-05, 03:26 PM
Bring em myself from where?


(edited: DragnDrop)

06-16-05, 03:29 PM
There are a few pet stores in ottawa take a look around ask people at the stores if they can get any for you.

And dank i dotn think "*****" is very nice term if you refering to who i think you are i dotn think its very nice at all.

Best of luck


(edited: DragnDrop)

06-16-05, 04:06 PM
I was trying to avoid petstores looking more towards captive bred specimens from private collections. Also it does not have to from the Ottawa area.

06-16-05, 05:18 PM
Your not going to find CB pigmys here there might be a few floating around but the chances of finding them are extreemly low. I dotn like dealing with pet shops either but find a good one and there usually pretty good at helping you out. Thats the only way you are going to get any really.

06-16-05, 07:21 PM
You gotta love the moderation anymore on this crappy list. The stupid shits that know nothing post away with nothing said to them.
Its a shame cause you used to be able to rely on the mod's to keep things in line.


(edited: DragnDrop)

06-16-05, 08:12 PM
Whoa whats that one about?

06-19-05, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by dank7oo
The only way to get them in Ottawa is to contact the ***** or bring them in yourself.

Best of luck.



You sound like a child calling his mom a name cause she wouldn't buy you a candy bar...I'm not sure what your problem with *** is but this behavior makes you look really ridiculous and the forum definately isn't the place for it. Whatever it is you're bitter about, rather than prove you are incapable of doing things on your own without ****, try to figure stuff out on your own without calling her names. She had to get them somehow, just cause you can't figure out how doesn't warrant you flinging childish names around.


(edited: DragnDrop)

06-20-05, 10:09 AM
So much for staying on topic and not flaming others.
Somehow I missed this mess when it first happened, probably because of a few things going on IRL that I was in too much of a hurry, plus the show preparations.
Jason.... this isn't the first time you've started something, KNOCK IT OFF 'or else'. Last warning.