View Full Version : Hamsters!

05-26-05, 02:05 AM
My little brother just bought one with his birthday money...and I must say I miss owning these little guys. They are so cute and active its pretty funny to watch them. His is all black....I'm considering getting one now actually!

Anyone else keep these as pets? I know SOMEONE else has to.....

Oh well.....sorry if this is a lame thread =P



05-26-05, 04:08 AM
People know me as hating hampsters and usually urge a rat but i gotta say i became a sucker when my sis got a cream teddy bear one day.

She of course got bored with it and so i started to take care of her. "Lilly" friggin grew on me so fast!!... the sweetest little thing.

Hampsters are great as long as they are nice tempered...I bloody hate the ones that flip out and scream at you. lol..

or am i the only one who meets the crazy ones? :D

05-26-05, 05:17 AM
Never met a screaming hampster*? Haha.....

Ya i also love the color varietys! I was thinking about getting a teddy bear and a solid black and seeing the litter. I think its just neat the possibilitys that can come out of it.

Are there albinos?



The Dragon Lady
05-26-05, 05:56 AM
I have a Teddy bear hamster, he is so adorable. They are too cute.

05-26-05, 12:39 PM
Any pictures of this cutie?

06-02-05, 01:28 AM
There are albino hamsters. If the black hamster has a white chest it is a "black bear hamster". kind of like a color morph.

06-02-05, 03:19 AM
Those black bears grow fairly big no? I liked the ones we had at work....very friendly, easy going :)

Yea...for some reason we had the odd hampster that would just totally freak out if anything or anyone came near it. O_o ...over breeding maybe i dunno lol.

I am pretty big on pet rats but now have a softer side for these lil guys. Degus are pretty neat as well!

Got a pic of your brothers don?

Pandabears are pretty neat too ^^

06-02-05, 12:15 PM
No I dont right now. But my mom just got a new digital camera so when I get that sorted out I will take pictures of him and my Garter for everyone:)

06-02-05, 02:28 PM
all "black bear", panda bear, teddy bear, long haird, etc...etc.. (basicly the larger hamsters) are Syrian hamsters (no matter what the pet shop says, the better the name, the higher the price). All the small ones are dwarfs, then cut up into different groups, robos, chinese, etc...etc...

I myself have a black (black bear) syrian girlie.

While neat, be sure that the female is DEFINITLY in heat, otherwise 2 syrians will fight to the death ;) you also can't touch the pups until they are about 2 wks old, and can't clean the cage during that time either, they eat their babies about as much as mice do.