View Full Version : Genetic question
Hi to all!
I have a question for those that love genetics.
I have a femail Anery A and a male Amelanistic. When they are at age I was thinking of breading them...what will the outcome be?
Second question...Anery A with Oketee?
Amelanistic with Normal?
Thanks...just curios.
If u breed the anery A with the amelanistic you will get all normals, 100% het for both anery A and amelanistics. This means that your snakes are also 100% for the snow corn morph.
Amelanistic with normal will also give normal babies, 100% het for amelanistc.
As for the Anery A with Oketee..... I don't know sorry
Anery A with Okeetee would give all normals 100% het for Anery A.. an Okeetee is considered a normal when doing genetics..
Now all of these are assuming your animals are NOT het for anything themeselves.
11-26-02, 01:20 PM
Corect me if I'm wrong but when I worked out the pungent square I found not all normals. If the genotype of an Anery is rrBB and an Amel is RRbb then when combined you start off with RrBb. Work out this square with this, RrBb as the starting point. On the top and side of your square you will have RB, Rb, rB, rb. Combine them and you will see that in the end you even get one snow.
If I'm mistaken please fill me in.
11-26-02, 01:39 PM
The first generation offspring from the anery and amel would all be RrBb by your designation. Because they have the dominant gene RB for both traits they would all appear normal color. The square you worked out is likely what would happen in the next generation - if you bred an RrBb to another RrBb, in which case you would get a chance of a snow. Hope that clarifies it.
Mary v.
11-26-02, 05:14 PM
Yes, looking back that is excatly what I did. Its not until the second generation that traits appear in the phenotype. First generation would be normal but all double hets, RrBb.
Thanks for showing me where I was confusing steps.
Originally posted by Lisa T
Hi to all!
I have a question for those that love genetics.
I have a femail Anery A and a male Amelanistic. When they are at age I was thinking of breading them...what will the outcome be?
Second question...Anery A with Oketee?
Amelanistic with Normal?
Thanks...just curios.
from the genetics prog I downloaded from Mick..
Male is, Anerythristic
Female is, Amelanistic
Offspring are predicted to be...
100.00%, Het for Snow
Male is, Anerythristic
Female is, Normal [Okeetee is considered normal]
Offspring are predicted to be...
100.00%, Het for Anery
there's a cool program to tell you what will be the outcome, takes the math out of it. I didn't write it but it's neat.
Great program and thanks for your answers!!!
Lisa :D
That's the program I used :)
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