View Full Version : (For Crochunter) Water monitor pics

11-25-02, 07:09 PM
Hey bud ..

Heres the pics of the monior that is up for adoption .. as I have said he is nasty as hell .. u have no idea .. Unfortunetly he is shedding at the moment so he does not look his best but it still gives u a god idea..





11-25-02, 08:55 PM
I'll take it.........

11-25-02, 09:02 PM
call me - uve got my number .. well get it all sorted out

11-26-02, 01:18 AM
Very pretty lil guy! Wish I had the space for those guys........ :(

Tim Winegard
12-03-02, 03:01 PM
How big do they get??
I really want a monitor!!

12-03-02, 03:08 PM
u don't want a water monitor . second largest monitor species .. Usually a good 5 to 6 feet in lenght but 7 feet is possible..

I love monitors .. although they confuse the heck out of me ..

12-03-02, 04:10 PM
This is a thread i dont get
every water ive owned has been dog tame!

mine use to sit on my head if i handled him, as he grew he still managed to get up there

Tim Winegard
12-03-02, 04:14 PM
Well they sounds
nice but BIG
are there any smaller types of monitors?

12-03-02, 04:34 PM
tons are smaller .. ackis are the smallest that a readilly available ..

Aw: I know At my work we have 2 LARGE that are pupppy tamed . But this one is simply vicious .. I have no idea why .. who knows what had happenned in his past..

Tim Winegard
12-03-02, 05:01 PM
Well I will check some ackis out I guess
What is the giant one that shows up under site supporter?
Id like to see some pics of him...

12-03-02, 05:34 PM
thats my big boy! he is the largest african monitor species .. a white throated monitor .. males average out a s an adult at 60 - 70 pounds and females at about 35 pounds .. give or take ..

Very nice lizards but they get pretty big and require lots of room//

Hers a pic of him ..

12-03-02, 05:38 PM
sorry here they are!


and here are my 2 favorite savanahs in the whole world! Chubs and miss Burnsey! (these are one of the most common monior in the wc pet trade..)


I hope u like them...

Theres a bit more in the photo gallery! Let me know if u want to see more


12-03-02, 06:35 PM
Dom those are great pics.Now you've done it ,i think i want some monitors now.Any advice on what to start with?


12-03-02, 06:45 PM
I perosnally love savs adn beleive tehm to be a great beginer species.. but many ppl would suggest ackies although I have never worked with them so can't put my .02$ on that ..

there are many otheres that make great pets..

Tim Winegard
12-03-02, 08:39 PM
THose are some awesome pictures dom I am quite jelous of you haha If I had the room i would have TWO. When Im in my own house I will definately have on of those white throat monitors!
Thanks for posting the pics.

12-03-02, 08:43 PM
No problem Tim!

Too many, Sav's are just the typical monitor everyone has but I trully think that they are an amazing monitor to keep .. I catch myself staring at them for minutes if not hours sometimes!

Ill try to post more pics

12-04-02, 12:25 PM
Hey Dom he seemed to calm down a bit he doesn't put up that much of a fight when I hold him.....nevertheless he still wants to chew off my hand. but I have been handling him quite a bit so I think eventually he'll come around.

12-04-02, 03:25 PM
great to hear .. Don't forget to give Ray a call in case u havn't!

Take care