View Full Version : Leo decor?

11-25-02, 05:13 PM
where does everyone buy there leo hides, plants ect? local pet stores seem to have nothing just half coconuts half logs and that is about it also what is everyones thoughts on lizard hammocks?

Tom P
11-25-02, 05:16 PM
I went to Home Depot and bought those clay pots, cracked hole near the edge and turned it upside down..

They are cheap and I have seen several other set-ups that use those.

Tom P

11-26-02, 01:10 AM
Most garden centers sell the plastic bottoms used for plants. They are sort of like a saucer but made for pots. These work well and they come in different sizes. Just cut out a entrance in the front. Best of all they are relatively cheap!

11-26-02, 07:52 AM
Online! Try www.herpsupplies.com they have a great variety and really good prices. Also it's in the US so I dunno about shipping. Also reptile shows tend to have a good selection of decor. Sometimes you can find interesting things in the fish aquarium sections of the pet stores. Hammocks are fine as long as you make sure the suction cups are good and secure (reinforce with duct tape even) and not more that 3-4 inches off the ground.

12-04-02, 02:57 PM
Blazin, i have been using that sort of hide for as long as i had had herps it is a great hide for them to feed in!

12-04-02, 10:45 PM
I haven't met a leo that DIDN'T love a hammock... well, one of ours doesn't seem to enjoy sitting in his, but rather uses it as a toilet - which is quite convenient for cleaning...lol :p

Pretty well all mine are functional setups, with the occassional bit of decor. Grape vine works well for climbing, you can find a great variety of fake plants at garden cetres, cork bark works well as a naturalistic looking hide - sour cream containers and that sort work well for functional hides and moist hides, for water bowls and food dishes I use the glazed clay pot saucers - they don't tip like plastic ones do and cost $0.60 or something at wal-mart (or a few dollars at your local pet store :p). Hope this helped ;)

12-06-02, 08:43 PM
what section or department are they located in at wal-mart i looked for them tonite. I did manage to get a great deal on a hygrometer, $2.99.
Please tell me what section it is in.:D

12-06-02, 09:54 PM
when the winter hits these items tend to go out of season so they take the summer items ie clay pots and replace with christmas lights and snow blowers

12-11-02, 09:51 AM
I bought a hammock for my leo's and they love it thx for the suggestion quick ? how high off the ground do you keep yours i have mine about 8" now thats ok? also i duct taped the one side to prevent injury

12-11-02, 02:34 PM
8" is a little high. It would bedifficult for a leo to get down from it. I would not do more than 4 inches.

12-12-02, 03:02 PM
They sell them in the garden centre at Wal-Mart.

8" is fine provided there is stuff between the ground and hammock. I wouldn't leave more than a few inches of dead space for safety reasons. One of my hammocks is about 9 or so inches off the ground, but there is a hide directly beneath it (about 1.5") and fake foliage on and around the hide and hammock.

12-12-02, 06:38 PM
yop i have a hide directly underneath about 3" of dead space thx