View Full Version : panther eggs again

05-19-05, 08:32 PM
My incubator I have noticed fluctuates around 3-4 deg F. Is this going to be a problem. This is what it does...it is a hovobator 1602n....It turns on at 75.4 turns off at 76.5 and then the temp still climbs to about 79.7 and then drops until 75.4 where it turns on. Is this bad for the eggs or ok? This cycle lasts about 10 minutes.

Also what is the extreme temp range for panther eggs (low and high) I want to skip the diapause so I was thinking of keeping this setting for the first month, then moving them to around 70 deg F for the second month and then beck to the original for the remaining time....Any suggestions?


05-19-05, 08:42 PM
79 is getting pretty high keep it from 69-74 range, having high temperatures can be fatal(my own experience). Keep your incubtaor in liek the basement, what i think is happening is when you room get hot it later effects the hovobator and when it gets cold it goes back down.
