View Full Version : A. Seemanni

05-18-05, 12:00 PM
Well, i'm finally going to be getting a Tarantula. been wanted one for well over a year, just never got around to it really. My girlfriend is treating me for my birthday though. I am getting an A. Seemanni, just to get introduced to t's but most likely i will have more relatively soon haha.

i would love a B. Boehmei but those can get a bit more expensive and i'm poooooor. Other than that, some avics would be nice.

will have pics for sure when i get it, near the end of the month probably.

07-22-05, 06:07 PM
here is a pic of my little guy, i beleive he molted, he never brought the skin up out of his burrow but he definately looks larger and darker than when i got him, and he had sealed himself down there for about a week.
I can't wait till he starts to show his leg stripes

07-22-05, 08:11 PM
very nice, don't expect it to grow too fast though

07-22-05, 08:27 PM
haha yeah i know :P i'm probably going to end up getting some sub adult Tarantula just to have something of size in the mean time :P