View Full Version : sexing trinkets

05-17-05, 05:41 PM
Trinkets are so small when hatched... does anyone know how old one should be for an accurate probing that won't injure them?

05-21-05, 07:00 PM
instead of probing you could try to pop them... When 2 hemispenisses are shown its a male when not... wait a few days and try again again no hemispenisses it's most likely to be a female.


05-21-05, 09:37 PM
Also, with them being so small, popping could possibly damage the spine. Anyone who is inexperienced with this should not attempt it with wuch fragile little ones ;)

05-22-05, 06:19 AM
Well You can always look at the base of the tail and the length of the tail. But that ain't accurate. You could wait 10 feedings and about 2 sheddings and the snake will be grown a lot and than try to pop or prob...


05-25-05, 09:53 AM
Ok, thanks. Also... a rep store i was in this weekend said that one of their Trinkets ate the other in the encloser! I had no idea Trinkets would do that. Have you seen this behaviour? Would i need to keep them separate & keep an eye on them when i put them together for a little lovin' action? ;)

05-25-05, 10:47 AM
Snakes should always be kept seperately to prevent this from happening. There are a few that can be kept together always once they reach breeding age, but not many....

Trinkets are one I do not know much about, so just to be on the safe side, keep them seperate now and keep on eye on them during breeding. ;)