View Full Version : Urgent help!

05-17-05, 07:56 AM
I've just removed my Colombian Rainbow Boa from its vivarium to find some very small white things crawling on it!

I'd compare the to the size of a grain of salt, definatly crawling, any ideas?

05-17-05, 08:03 AM
Depending on you setup it could be wood mites. I find the same things in every new tank I setup for my frog as they seem to come with the peat moss.

If they are wood mites I don't believe they would pose any threat as I know they do not harm my frogs.


05-17-05, 08:14 AM
Well I use Aspen bedding which I have now removed, I've never heard of these kind of mites but I'd still rather them not be crawling on my snake.