View Full Version : Display Lizard/Snake for Planted Vivarium?

05-16-05, 07:58 AM
Ok, so I originally planted this 55 gallon beautiful vivarium for my cresties. Cost me a fortune... looks BEAUTIFUL. Problem is, very shortly my juvy cresties will be seperated into different tanks (once they are sexable) and now... I have a 55 gallon potted plant?

It's got many, many plants in it, essentially the entire ground cover, with a small 8" area that the food dishes go in. There's a bit of wood, but it's mostly plants.

SO, I've now got an empty fully planted vivarium that is just too gorgeous to stay empty! What to put in it? I have no idea. I need something that won't crush the plants, something that won't burrow under the plants... but something that's beautiful to look at.

We've had anoles, and we don't want them again. We also do not want frogs (too much work... I know when I'm in over my head).

Any suggestions? Any type of gecko that is terrestrial that won't bury him/her self... anything flashy and/or just fun to watch...

Help! :p

king nick
05-16-05, 10:59 AM
i would have to say day geckos, i dont have any experience in them but they are beautiful, they come in many colours.

PS post some pics of the tank, id love to see it!!


05-16-05, 01:49 PM
Why not a trio of cresteds?? Have one male and 2 females. Or even just 2 females??

05-19-05, 06:30 PM
I considered keeping a few cresteds in the tank, but I have taller, more suitable tanks coming shortly. The tank is only 24" tall, and 4' long, so so much space is wasted. We considered turning it on its side and putting a ficus in it... but I really like the current setup, and I'd much rather find a species that would thrive in the environment as is.

I'm hoping for something unique... something different...

I'm fairly new to the herp world (a year or so and counting...) and although we're already fairly knowledgeable about a decent number of species, I'm sure that there are many more people on this list who can suggest something I've never even heard of that is more suitable to this tank. Not to mention more interesting...

Still looking....


05-19-05, 06:49 PM
Tokay Geckos are really great to look at....and it would be a great sized tank for one too. They mostly hang around on the glass so I dont see a problem with smashing the plants really....except when they feed they might get rowdy.

05-19-05, 08:10 PM
Maybe some flying geckos?