View Full Version : Panther male not very eager

05-14-05, 05:11 PM
Iv been introducing my female to my male about every five days for the last month. Once has she shown receptive colours, but all the male did was sit there and bob his head. I left her in the cage for alittle more then a half hour. She sat still doing nothing and he sat still bobbing his head.
I tried using a big mirror to see if him thinking anouther male was present would get him to go after her. But he just stared at it like an idiot and did not have much of a reaction.

What Can I do next!?

I know im suppossed to be patient but the suspence is driving me crazy.

Please help



05-14-05, 06:25 PM
the males just the problem, if he wont move there really isnt much you can do but keep trying


05-14-05, 11:06 PM
All I can suggest is keep trying (within reason) and have patience!

05-15-05, 06:04 AM
Why am I always so unlucky?! lol

Anyways I've waited this long anouther month or so won't really hurt.

thanks peeps


05-15-05, 09:32 AM
I've had the same problem with my ambanjia. I think He might be gay. It took me a month for him to mate two days ago and I put the female in the cage because she was still receptive the next day and he just walks around like he forgot how to do it!!! I think just maybe panthers are harder for this kind of stuff.....?


05-15-05, 10:07 AM
Haha, gay chameleon, I have never heard of that yet. But I guess it is possible.

My only thoughts are the male is so caught up with another cham in it's territory (female or not) that it's only thoughts are to scare off the opposing cham, rather than mate.

05-15-05, 01:46 PM
You cannot force a chameleon to breed. If he isnt interested than he just isnt interested.


05-17-05, 03:01 PM

Hes interested . He does the rappid head bobbing and gets all bright blue. BUt he just will not go towards her.

Do you think trying to get him into the female cage would make a difference?
Hes just such a mean bugger its not really the way I want to go.

Hopefully ill get lucky in month or two like you did Mike.

Or should I say he'll get lucky lol



05-18-05, 03:26 PM
If he was so interested he have have made the advance dont you think?


05-19-05, 11:41 AM