View Full Version : Feeding Garter Snakes

05-14-05, 05:10 PM
So far I've had him for about a week now....and I offered him an earthworm from the local feedshop.

He didnt seem very interested....any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


05-14-05, 06:06 PM
goldfish or guppies in a bowl of water or small frogs if u can find any sometimes even krickets

05-14-05, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the suggestion M.nelson

05-17-05, 09:24 AM
UPDATE: My Garter Snake ate on Saturday! I offered him a small earthworm and Sunday morning it was gone. He has also defecated so things are looking pretty good for him!



05-17-05, 12:23 PM
I live where they live wild and I use either goldfish in a large bowl of try some small toads or even scented pinks, scented from one frog you thaw and refreeze once or twice. If nothing works give it time. It will eat when it's ready.

05-17-05, 12:53 PM
Just a thought but I think Goldfish should be avoided because of the copper sulfate treatment the fish farms use that can be toxic to herps after a certain level is reached.

Guppies, Rosy reds or small minnows I would imagine are best.

05-17-05, 06:18 PM
Well I know hes a fan of earthworms...hes taken TWO for me now! I'm really excited to see this guy eating and defecating (aaah the I miss the feeling of being exciting to see snake poo.)

If I find some small local toads (which I usually do,) I'll give them a try.

Thanks guys,


06-05-05, 01:09 PM
Don't try toads if you have him eating worms. Just get him on a couple f/t worms a couple times a week, then try worm scented pinky mice.

Usually works.


06-05-05, 02:15 PM
slugs are always a favorite of garters if you can get them too.

06-06-05, 12:34 AM
I'll try the worm scented pinky idea this week:) Cuz he already accepts a couple worms a week EASILY!