View Full Version : Star Wars - Revenge Of The Sith

05-14-05, 01:32 PM
STAR WARS - REVENGE OF THE SITH - almost here, yahoooo.



05-14-05, 01:36 PM
kewl---i can't wait----but won't pay $500 for premier tickets!

05-14-05, 02:38 PM
Holy, me either I' ll wait to opening day across all cities and pay the $8- $10, then add the $40 on popcorn and drinks, lol.

05-19-05, 03:34 PM
Just watched it......It was REALLY GOOD, I thought the plot was awesome, and the special effects were INSANE. The only thing I thought was a little stupid was how fast anakin turned from being a regular guy into Darth Vader. It seemed more like a copout than anything. Overall though I'd give it two thumbs up.

05-19-05, 07:24 PM
Hayden Christensen is a cruddy actor. The only movie that he was ok in was life as a house. I feel some parts of the movie was too rushed. For example, Padme tells Anakin she was pregnant every time we see her, hey belly is bigger. 2-3 days later, she gives birth?

Also, Anakin spends a good chunk of his life (I would think 10 years or so) learning to become a jedi but become a sith lord in less than 10 minutes.

In short, @#$% Anakin and Hayden Christensen!

05-19-05, 09:22 PM
LOL, its the reason the dark side failed, raising fast leaders with no experience to run an empire......we all know what happened after :)

05-20-05, 02:14 PM
Yeah but overall the move was insane!!!

05-20-05, 03:04 PM
can't wait can't wait.

dr greenlove
05-20-05, 03:55 PM
I thought it was very good, considering.

Despite it being cheesy and badly acted with stupid plot holes and rubbish dialogue...and Hayden Whatsisname.

On the positive side it did have Darth Vader. And we did see holier than though jedi get killed.

Not to mention the huge lizard thing.

05-21-05, 09:53 AM
i saw it yesterday and now im going again today with different people lol:). it was a great movie and it finally explained all the things that have happened in the past two movies.

05-21-05, 12:51 PM
I think the movie was well made, I was extremely impressed. I couldnt have asked for more from Lucas.

05-21-05, 04:19 PM
Just got back from seeing it on a free ticket, a friend was going to day till he had to work last minute. No biggie he gets my Sunday ticket. It was pretty cool, I loved the special effects, story was OK, a bit fast in spots as mentioned indeed. But the sad part is, that' s it............the series is done.

Oh loved that lizard thing indeed ;)

Anyone going to watch it, and is a fan of the past ones....will have a good time.

05-22-05, 08:59 PM
500$? are you kidding me, i downloaded a workcopy before it was released to the theaters f0r free :P lol oh well. goood movie. way better then number 2. i didn't like that one too much. i want the lizard obi won was riding during the attack on gernal grevious!!!!

05-24-05, 01:07 PM
I loved the lizard thing! It was very cool :)

05-25-05, 08:22 AM
I saw it opening night at 12:01 for $7:50 hehehehe

05-25-05, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by ReptiZone
I saw it opening night at 12:01 for $7:50 hehehehe

Geek........lol, joking :)

06-01-05, 07:33 AM
I saw it yesterday! Awesome to say the least. I thought the script was better than expected and the Hayden guy did a much more believable acting job than the last flick. Sets were phenominal, as were costumes, make-up and action scenes. Nothing stagnat here. !!!

loved it!

06-01-05, 09:04 AM
I saw it 2 weeks in advance at a premier screening :D

06-01-05, 09:44 PM
Anakin made the switch to the dark side so quickly because he lived with fear his whole life and everyone knows fear is the path to the dark side. ;)

What I didnt get was Mace Windu kicked the siths butt in but Yoda was having trouble.

06-02-05, 12:03 AM
mace was always to be more powerful then yoda i do believe. Yoda was just more wise and experienced. Thats why Mace's light saber was purple. The colour is supposed to reflect the strength for jedi's and siths are just always red.

But then again, i only know what i learned from my uber star wars fan roommate a few years ago.


06-05-05, 07:53 PM
Second worst of the six ... episode I was the worst followed closely by this piece of garbage.


06-06-05, 10:40 AM
Light Saber Colours have nothing to do with power of the Jedi or Sith using them the colour is determined by the colour crystal used in them.

Lucas once said "They are Light Sabers not MOOD rings" lol

If you played the game Knights of the old republic I or II in both games you have to construct your saber the strength and power of the saber are desided by other adgacent "Spelling not good" crystals.

Other than that, they are only as powerfull as the person using it.

Colour = one colour Crystal
Power = several combined crystals
how good a saber is = as good as the person swinging it.

just a tid bit of info I wanted to share.

Marc Doiron