View Full Version : meet kermit

05-13-05, 08:31 PM
i went to the pet store today, just to get some things i needed. i had no interest in geting a new pet because i had just sold one that day and was so happy to get some money... but i am very happy with him. some one had dropd off a big male beardie in a reptarium. my friend that works there said every thing was just $50, i held him but at the moment i just thought he was cute, didnt want him. about 10 minutes later when i was holding him again i was joking and said "what about 40" and she said hmmm sure...so now hes in my house hehe. i only took him and left all his stuff, i put him in an aquarium to hold heat better. he puffs at me but doesnt bite or any thing. all his feet except one is perfect. it has no claws and the toes are falling off. if i spray that foot good when it happens to be sheding do you think the rest of those toes can be saved? i cant think of any more questions for now, i had a beardie before but i like this guy alot better and i will probably keep him longer.

05-13-05, 08:38 PM

05-19-05, 06:32 PM

05-19-05, 06:37 PM
i took that picture basicaly right after i put him in the cage. i put UVB on it, geting sand for the beding, geting him something to hide in on the cool side. and any other cool stuff i find.

05-23-05, 07:42 PM
make sure for sand u used sifted and washed playsand!!! :) lol