View Full Version : what do you use....

05-13-05, 09:46 AM
to keep your animals warm? How do you regulate their temps? Humidity?

I'm looking for the BEST overall products out there to use.

What are your favorites and why?

05-13-05, 10:21 AM
I heat my whole snake room to an ambient of 83, and then i use heat tape with helix proportional thermostats to get the hotspot to about 93.

05-13-05, 03:30 PM
Like Het, I also use heat tape and Helix proportional thermostats.

05-14-05, 12:30 PM
flex watt tape is the way to go.


05-14-05, 04:36 PM
My stack of stand alone cages are all heated with flexwatt (with a Ranco thermostat). Two of my racks are flexwatt with a Helix DBS-1000 thermostat and one rack is heat rope with a Helix DBS-1000. Both the heat rope and flexwatt have worked well for me.

For humidity, I just monitor ambient in the room with a hygrometer (between 50-60% except in mid-winter when the heat is on) and dampen substrate in tubs/cages where snakes are nearing shed.