View Full Version : how many fire bellied

05-10-05, 08:42 PM
could i keep 2 firebellied toads in a 7 and a half gallon tank? at least for a little while, a ten gallon will be open in a week or two. thanks

05-11-05, 07:25 AM
Some people will disagree I'm sure but my preferred way to keep firebellied toads is to start with 1 in a 10 gallon and add AT LEAST another 5 gallons per frog that you add. I keep my 3 in a 40 gallon and they love it but not everyone has one of those lying around.


Double J
05-11-05, 03:11 PM
In my opinion, this wll work as a *temporary* tank. I wouldn't go any smaller than a ten gallon tank for a permanent enclosure even for a single Bombina. That said, I keep four Bombina orientalis in a 15 gallon acrylic tank. The tnak is incredibly well planted with pothos, with lots of piled slate, and floating cork bark, so there s maximum use of space in this case. They tend to be rather lazy frogs though, floating half-submerged in the water for most of the time. THey do tend to go into a frenzy at feeding time though. I will try to post a pic later tonightof the tank so that you can get an idea.

05-11-05, 06:48 PM
thanks and i would love to see your tank.


05-16-05, 02:56 PM
well i bought 1 fire bellied toad saturday and he was doin fine since then. but woke up this morning to check on him and he wasn't in the tank! i noticed my plexiglass lid was slid out a little to farr and there was room for hime to get out. the lid was only opend about 3/8 of an inch, for my waterfall cord. but how could he get out? i didnt think they could climb walls. and are they posinious to cats? i have 2 cats that will go after anything the moves. and where should i look for him? please i dont want my kitties to die and would like to save the poor =little guy from starving to death.

05-17-05, 08:07 AM
One of mine used to get out on occasion before I moved them into a larger tank. I'm not sure how they manage to do it but they do seem to stick to the walls to a slight degree.

They are toxic to a degree but I am not sure if it is strong enough to kill a cat, maybe someone else will know that part.

Hope you find him soon as he will die if he gets too dehydrated which only takes hours.


05-17-05, 02:54 PM
still havnt found him but one of my cats threw up this morning so who knows. i have set up a bigger tank for when i try another. this one will have a tight lid. thanks allot