View Full Version : Check out this guy....

11-24-02, 08:17 PM
This is a 5 month old Sandfire Red cross...we had him for sale with a tank full of his brothers and sisters....
at that time we ere selling him and his siblings for a mere $ 110.00 + taxes and COULDN'T SELL THEM!!!!!!

This guy just shed again and look at him now!.....he is now one of our prospective male breeder holdbacks for next year..

He is a real gem from our breeding program this year and we never even knew it until he was 5 months old.!!!!!

Just goes to show you never know for sure what the babies will look like until they finish!

Paul & Jan

Donald's Designer Dragons

Kitchener, Ontario Canada

11-25-02, 10:50 AM
Very true!!! when I first bought my 2 dragons they were both the same normal color..... after each shed my male (Bruno) got lighter and yellower everytime, now his just about full grown and has the color of a yellow crayon (got him for 45 bucks)