View Full Version : stinking goddess

05-08-05, 05:01 PM
any of you herpers ever own these...got any pics???? im thinkin of grabbin a pair...just one everyones thoughts and experiances with them

05-08-05, 08:55 PM
I used to have these.
Not anymore....sold them aleady.
Pretty easy to keep. Nothing much special is required.
Maybe when you're handling them...just make sure that they don't really musk on you....and if they do....you'll know...and you'll know how it got its nick name too...

here are mine~~





Hope you like these photos I have of my previous stinking goddesses~~

05-08-05, 10:10 PM
Very neat looking little snakes.

Adam, if you get a pair we might have to work something out *wink wink*

05-08-05, 10:34 PM
of course ldydrgn...i couldnt keep you away from a few of these little guys...well...im going to look into this...check out some prices...maybe grab a few

thnx for the pics simon...they look nice...makes me want a pair even more.


05-09-05, 08:27 AM
they are very nice snakes
pretty easy to keep if you ask me
not too demanding....
like I have said before the only thing that you would have to be prepared is how bad they stink when they musk......when I use to handle mine I really need to wear a pair of gloves....I was musked on my hand....and man it stayed on my skin for a good amount of time......and yes I washed my hands so many times after....ahahhha didn't work too well....

so yeah..advice for keeping these little beauties~ gloves~~ hahahaha

once they get used to handling they're great snakes!!

Best of luck with finding them! Hope to see yours soon~!