View Full Version : Crossing the Windsor-Detroit border with frogs, need some info

Phil Beaudoin
05-05-05, 12:24 AM
Hi there,

I'm curious as to if there is any paper work I would need to drive some frogs over from Detroit into windsor. The frogs are not cites protected from what I gather, and are not native to the united states, so what would I need to do this? I remember being told that amphibians can pass through no problem but it didn't seem right to me.

Thanks alot for your time,
Phil Beaudoin

05-05-05, 09:56 AM
To my understanding (I could be completely wrong, but anyways) you can take animals across the boarder undeclared as long as they are not protected by CITES or protected in ontario.

05-05-05, 10:45 AM
No, you cannot just take animals (protected or otherwise) across the border undeclared. There are stringent procedures that must be followed.
Import/Export Info (http://www.kingsnake.ca/imp_exp.html)