View Full Version : !!I think something realy bad just happened!!

05-03-05, 02:47 PM
I noticed my little baby 4wk old leo had some shedding left on its foot. I've read that if its not removed it can seriously deform the foot. I heard that you can use a q-tip with water to help remove it, but when I went to swab it with some luke warm water on a q-tip, the little guy bit the swab, I wasn't expecting that so I fliched at the same time, I pulled my arm up (very bad move), I accidently lifted the little guy up off the ground, but placed him back down very quickly... how can I help it without doing that to it again. I hope I didn't hurt the little guy, I feel so bad and stupid for trying that.

05-03-05, 03:30 PM
hold him closer to the neck.... like this


obviously take out the wine glass but you get the point.. and just teach yourself not to flinch... i had to..

05-03-05, 05:28 PM
You can also try a low warm bath. Just over the toes and let him walk in it for a bit, then use the q-tip.
Don't worry, they are not as fragile as you might think. You probably stressed him out a bit but he will be more stressed if the skin is not removed and irritates him. Geckos have lost toes to unremoved skin, so you really want to get it off.

05-03-05, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by peterm15

obviously take out the wine glass but you get the point..

But if you let him finish the wine first, he won't care what you're doing to his toes. Heck, you could even comb his hair and wash behind his ears and he won't flinch ;)

05-03-05, 05:51 PM

05-03-05, 08:01 PM
LOL, I'm not too sure about handling him I've only had em for a week now, and he's still pretty scared of me... and I haven't handled him yet. I'll try the bath thing and gently try to whip it off with a q tip.

05-10-05, 01:51 PM
i had the same problam have more than 1 q-tip. i let mine hold the q tip in her mouth while i used another to get it off. be very gentle when taking it off because you can take off the tips. to get the q tip out of her mouth but a teensy drop of water in her mouth, she'll want to drink or try wiggle it a bit in her mouth. if this is wrong someone correct me please. i don't want to be giving bad advise