View Full Version : O.K. everybody.......

11-24-02, 12:08 AM
Here's a pair of my coolest animals. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Mark

Ladies first....

11-24-02, 12:10 AM
.. I love 'em of course.

11-24-02, 12:16 AM
That is one great looking snake my friend what kind is it lol

11-24-02, 02:59 AM
Wow. it looks like it fell asleep in a hazzard sign factory. those are really cool looking! what are they?

11-24-02, 03:02 AM
I'm not Mark, but those are mandarin ratsnakes, pretty amazing snakes if you ask me... =)

11-24-02, 04:58 AM
Yep, elaphe mandarina. I was lucky and got pics after each had just shed.Thanks.

11-24-02, 09:15 AM
Very nice! Are they fairly rare in captivity?

11-24-02, 12:19 PM
More and more c.b. every year. Still about $300.USD ea. as hatchlings. Imports are difficult at best to acclimate to captivity. They're often loaded w/ parasites and most die within 90 days of captivity. These are imports, however, and have gone through a lot of treatments. Female is a little thin yet, but male is very robust.Feeding well for w.c. Had 'em about 10 mos. Hoping they'll breed for me, but if they don't--well that's o.k. too!

11-24-02, 01:07 PM
Well, good luck:)

11-24-02, 01:28 PM
OK .. I'm like totaly jealous.. nice snakes.. very clean pic's as well

11-24-02, 03:06 PM
....a little closer

12-11-02, 07:04 AM

I say these mandarin rats are one of the best looking ones out there. I too want some....so if you get any breedings later on, let me know...I'd like to get some of these....just too nice~

......I think that I am slowly moving to rats now.....frist the albino emory rats, then the rhinos...and now the mandarins.....lol

very nice pics~

12-11-02, 01:25 PM
I really like 'em too. I can't decide however, which phase I like best though. My male has a lot of red, the female does not. Anyway- they're killer looking to me! Thanks.

12-11-02, 03:03 PM
Very Cool snakes crimsonking, are they tame, what size do they get?


12-11-02, 03:13 PM
C.B. are much more docile than w.c. Mine are still pretty nervous. and the female decided a month ago she is gonna strike at me when I clean. You should see her! I don't like to stress them at all, but she is definetly aware of me and lets me know it. Less power than a corn, but ACCURATE! And the strike distance/accuracy is unbelievable. She's really a sweety though. Most are 3'-4' I'd say, but I have HEARD of a nearly 7'er. Now that would be impressive!

12-11-02, 04:39 PM
they are absolutely gorgeous ... are these CITES animals?
I wonder when some CB Canadian mandarins will be available.....Simon ? Katt ??

Mark...I think I will have to place a large order with you since i am not known for my patience :)

can you please include a link where i can see all of your beautiful snakes?

12-11-02, 04:51 PM
yeah i think mandarins are really nice. they are on my list for reptiles i want. so hopefully one day i can get some. so consider yourself lucky!!

12-11-02, 07:34 PM

lol....just to let u know.......I am planning on getting some already............lol
too nice~~~~~~~~

12-11-02, 07:43 PM
Silke, I guess I'll have to put a real album together. As it is now, I have pics scattered all over the place. Here on ssnakess, another site and printroom. Maybe someday I'll get it together! Ha! Anyway, I won't have c.b. mandarins until (hopefully) next year. And then I may want to keep most. There are quite a few breeders in the U.S. now with them, but you gotta grab the females early. They remain expensive (compared to corns) but I can't wait until I see baby mandarins pip the eggs! It looks like Simon is on the job up there.LOL Mark

12-11-02, 09:21 PM
Nasty animals Mark, get rid of them.

You know my address.

12-12-02, 04:44 AM
very nice buddy!

01-02-03, 07:32 PM
do they calm down as they get older/ with handeling? if so count me in if you ever breed them!

01-02-03, 07:42 PM
wow I'm looking into them now and I've seen them sold at $400us awsome looking snakes even if they are shy/nippy I think it would be worth it!