View Full Version : N. Florida Forest area herpin'

05-02-05, 01:22 PM
Heading to the Osceola Nat'l Forest area we saw a few dor corns and racers and a water snake or two.
The first live herp of the day was this FL box turtle on the side of the road.
Once in Osceola and on an unpaved road we encountered our target species for the day, a FL locale canebrake rattlesnake.
A first for me and my son.
Everything else would be a bonus from here on.
In the area we also turned up this gray rat snake,
this juvenile rough green snake,
and a yellow rat snake found in the rafters of an abandoned shed.
All in all a great day when you get your target species right off.

05-02-05, 01:51 PM
Looks liek a successful trip! Great pics! :)

05-08-05, 09:14 AM
Thanks Linds. It was a good day except for the occasional dor that included a 6' coachwhip.

05-08-05, 08:04 PM
That Box turtle is lookin good, I need to find a male Boxie for my female now. Hey Mark did you keep anything? I am hoping to hit up Ocala, Sulpher Springs, ANF, Hernado County, and Osceola. My Target species are Grey Rats, Coach Whips, Rough Green Snakes, Yellow Ratsnakes, Box Turtles, Kings of all sorts, Garters, and a few others.

05-08-05, 08:59 PM
David all we kept were pics. Email me about other stuff though.