View Full Version : iguana

05-01-05, 11:21 AM
Hey all, i'm thinking of getting an iguana and i have a few ?'s. First, what size of an enclosure can be used for a young iguana. can you just use those things that they use for chameleons that are like a black screen over some pvc pipe?
2nd, what should i use for a substrate and how humid should i keep the cage? Should the heat be about 95 in the basking area and 80 on the other side of the cage? and how humid should i keep it?

Lastly, lighting... What lights do i need for UVA and UVB? Do i need the uv light along with another heat light?

05-01-05, 12:24 PM
if your looking to get an iggi... may i suggest an adoptiopn.. that way you can give a chance to an animal that someone else failed... that and you already know there temperment....

the ppl from reptile rescue canada are very helpful will give you all the info you need... there great ppl


05-01-05, 04:48 PM
and would i even need to keep the iguana in a small tank for long when its youg? could i just make the enclosure for when its an adult and put it in there when it is about a foot or so?

05-04-05, 07:57 AM
first of all. the screen mesh thingy wont keep humidity up enough. enless you tape plastic all over it eccept for the top wich isnt very pretty. and second iguannas are alot of work. youll need to buy melissa kaplans green iguanna for summies its the iguanna bible. also you have to remember iguannas go thrue breeding season agression its different for each iguanna but some can get very mean during those times and it can last over a month. they do need uvb. and i suggest reptiglo 8.0. it needs to be put 6 to 8 inches away from the iguanna nothing smaller or bigger. i suggest www.greenigsociety.com www.iguanaden.com and http://www.anapsid.org/ those are great sites. and i also suggest joining the iguana den forum in the iguana den website. their great for iguanna care. iguannas are alot of care but if you know what your doing their great. make shure you can give him more than the minimum he needs. and make shure he doesent end up being put to sleep or given away to just anyone because you make a mistake. alot of people do that.

05-04-05, 07:58 AM
and for a tank. tanks arent worth it. they outgrow it way too quickly