View Full Version : Perfect natural design...
05-01-05, 07:12 AM
Whats your perfect design for a naturalistic designed vivarium? This is the "DREAM VIVARIUM" for any type of herp. I thought this would be a cool idea to have as a thread because we dont often get to have an imaginary unlimited amount of money/time/patience!
Make it happen!
05-01-05, 07:45 AM
For my Rhacs, I would love to have the space and $$ to make a walk in enclosure:)
05-01-05, 09:40 AM
i think it was merissa that was gonna do that...
05-01-05, 09:42 AM
Yup, Marisa was doing it with her old Iguana cage. I might do it down the road for gargoyles or if I can ever afford some Leachies:)
Perfect desing for a vivarium would be anytype thats as close to maintenance free as you can get. I love the oneswith aquatic bottoms.
Also I feel it's also very important for the fauna of the vivaruim to be of the same location. So it mimicts nature perfectly.
I cannot remeber his name but a Dutch Vivarium maker set up a vivaruim to go through the regular cycles of the rising and setting sun. Each light is set to a dimmer which makes it slowlyreach its full briteness. The first light turns on in the morning followed by four to six other lights that start turning on about 1ominutes from eachother. And then slowly start tuning off around 2 hours befor sunset.
I know someone told me earlier that there is no way you can mimic exactly what comes out of nature, this might be so but we can come pretty darn close. The only thing missing or what should be missing in our vivariums is all the little unwanted buggs, and viruses.
Hopefully by the end of the summer I will be pumping out a vivarium a week. Am currently working on a display vivarium to go up in a local shop, so hopefully there will be some good business out of there.
I will be making vivaruims of all price ranges, and styles.
Openfront dutch vivaruims to dessert vivariums.
Fell free to pm me for more details.
One thing I have not been able to figure out is the best way to ship a vivaruim. any info would be greatly appreciated
05-02-05, 05:07 AM
If you can make a really good looking display vivarium that can be flat packed that would be one of the best inventions!
I'd love to convert one of my rooms to a desert type enclosure so that when people walk into it they fell like they are in a completely different world, It would be like 20'x30'x10' now that would be cool.
05-02-05, 12:08 PM
heres my dream enclosure
05-02-05, 12:16 PM
Whoa thats awesome, something like that would be sweet as! How big do ackies get to?
LOl thats cool. COuld there be anymore ledges lol.
I think my next vivarium will be a desert, sort of like that one.
But I got a few tricks up my sleeves ive picked up from different sites along the way.
Going to have to wait for pics though sorry.
05-02-05, 12:33 PM
Oh thats harsh lol.
I have tricks but im not gonna tell you!!!!! MOOOOHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Joke, but seriously its kewl to hear peoples ideas.
Originally posted by striko_69
Whoa thats awesome, something like that would be sweet as! How big do ackies get to?
Usually around the 2' mark. Very small little guys :cool:
05-02-05, 02:51 PM
whoa i thought they were a load bigger than that!
Do they have a forum or where can i go to read up on them?
You can punch it in to the search in the varanid forum, and loads of information is available on google as well :)
05-03-05, 12:35 AM
I was just interested in them, not getting one maybe when im old and have the cash lol. I'm for beardies.
Keep the posts coming guys this is great
05-03-05, 09:41 PM
My dream viv would be like a 100 gallon or somthing along those lines with a pretty big water section that is deep and with a cork bark background. A cascading water fall with a stream going into the water section. It would have tons of moss and bromeliads and ferns and some palms. Pretty much any kinda plant that looks cool. The water section would have plants in it of course and fish. Some tetras and maybe a betta fish. it would have a fogger thats on a timer and a misting system. It would house darts or mantellas maybe some geckos.
Thats it righ now I guess its always changing in my mind when ever I get a new idea.
Kyle Barker
05-03-05, 10:22 PM
i could spend thousands on plants if i was in the situation. id have it tropical, and selarium like. gotta have the waterfall, stream, pond. its all about the anoles, assuming i could actually get teh species id want.
05-04-05, 12:38 AM
Outcold, I saw a setup like that about two years ago, at BJ herps supply, not quite so big though but the same kinda inside with darts. Let me tell you it was cool!
Have a look at these:
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