View Full Version : carpet cage questions

05-01-05, 03:29 AM
Hey im gettin either a IJ or JCP carpet python this summer, and was wondering what size cage i should get, and by who(i like boaphile but cant find the right size, so i guess i was thinkin vision)? I want a bar or two for the snake to climb on even though i know its not needed. Also this will be a show case cage so i want it looking nice, and have a taller ceiling rather than those short cages.

But yea thanks for all the help.

05-01-05, 04:21 PM
Ok to help you guys out more, would a vision model #415 be good? for an adult? my real problem is will it be deep enough

05-01-05, 06:47 PM
at 48x16x21, yea i should be big enough. currently I'm houseing my 2 footer in a 29 gallon aga tank, and it looks huge compared to her.