View Full Version : how do you sex tokays ?

04-30-05, 09:49 PM
how exactly do you sex tokays and whats the easiest way? and also, what are specific requirements to breed these little satanic creatures?:confused:

04-30-05, 09:55 PM

dont own one so thats as much as i can help ya...

05-27-05, 11:18 PM
Sorry Peterm15 but I think your attitude towards Tokays is unjust. Maybe if you actually had some experience with them you would have a different point of view. I will however say that the link you gave is a very accurate one. First of all many species in the same Genus as Tokays breed in mass number in the wild but are somewhat difficult to breed. I would suggest aquiring a couple of pairs rather than just one to better your chances. Like humans some reptiles won't breed if there is not a certain amount of chemistry, plus one male might go better with one female and so on. Anyways, try to aquire a few or more if possible and put them through a strict 3 month quarantine. Pretty much you will have to house them seperately so that you can catch and treat any known problems before they become out of control. I would also suggest taking a fecal sample from each Tokay to a qualified vet to see what kind of dewroming treatment needs to be done. I find the biggest problem with breeding tokays is that most are wild caught with heavy parasite loads which cause undue stress to the females especially. If you wanna have success breeding them than take to time and make the effort. Also make sure that when you intoduce them you pay close attention to make sure they don't battle at all. If they do switch them up. Well if you have any more questions just post them and I will try to get back to you asap.

06-26-05, 07:33 PM
I have 0.1.2 tokays and even though I didnt breed them I hatched the babies (2). I plan to put the babies with the mom later this year. I had to clean the adults cage today and she did not like it one bit! She was yapping at me when I was trying to catch her but I found the best way without getting frustrated. Take a container big enough to fit around it, put it over the lizard, slip the container under it and it will be forced to grab on to the lid or jump into the container and then close it with it in it. What im gonna do to breed is just put them together and let them do what they do. Mind you, the hatching takes a long time! Around 6 months for me :(



06-26-05, 10:06 PM
hey cal,
i'm pretty sure peterm doesn't have an 'attitude' towards tokays. he answered the question that was asked...i really don't see how you got offended.
anyway, doesn't really matter, just bored and confused by your response.

Tom P
07-01-05, 10:21 PM
I think Tokays are awesome. Thay are a great display lizard. Nice deep purple and orange colors. I have 1.1 tokays, and they chirp at night to each other, it gets a little irratating sometimes, but still very cool. I have to say, that both of mine are nasty little critters, the male, about 10 inches long nipped my finger one night, i needed 3 stitches to put it back together, Oh well, I was invading his space. I had 1 pair of eggs hatch, a year ago, it took about 6.5 months to hatch them out, but once those little babies cracked, it was hilarious. The mom even took them in. I had heard horror stories of Tokays eating their young! Not mine. Anyway, sorry to ramble on but I think Tokays don't enough attention in the Herp HobbY!!!

Tom P

07-02-05, 08:54 AM
LOL, Peter provided a link for his answer, how is that having a bad attotude towards keeping Tokays?? Did we all miss something here?

Tom P
07-02-05, 06:27 PM
I was confused with that also, so I thought i would just talk about Tokays!!